Martin Lawrence en el papel de...
Marcus Burnett
- [Mike, Marcus, and Julie start arguing, nobody paying attention to his gun; Julie just walks out]
- Store Clerk: Hey, freeze bitch!
- Mike Lowrey: [as he points the gun her way, in a flash Mike and Marcus stop arguing and point their guns at his head] YOU freeze, bitch!
- Store Clerk: Oh shit, I'm fucked.
- Mike Lowrey: Now back up, put the gun down, and get me a pack of Tropical Fruit Bubblicious.
- Marcus Burnett: And some Skittles.
- Marcus Burnett: Hey man where-where-where's your cup holder?
- Mike Lowrey: I don't have one.
- Marcus Burnett: What the f- w'you mean you don't have one? Eighty thousand dollars for this car and you ain't got no damn cup holder?
- Mike Lowrey: It's $105,000 and this happens to be one of the fastest production cars on the planet. Zero to sixty in four seconds, sweetie. It's a limited edition.
- Marcus Burnett: You damn right it's limited. No cup holder, no back seat. Just a shiny dick with two chairs in it. I guess we the balls just draggin' the fuck along.
- Mike Lowrey: Hello?
- Marcus Burnett: We're your new neighbors.
- Mike Lowrey: Don't be alarmed, we're negros.
- Marcus Burnett: Naw man, naw. There's too much bass in your voice. That scares white folks. You got to sound like them.
- [In high pitched voice]
- Marcus Burnett: We were wondering if we could borrow some brown sugar...?
- Marcus Burnett: He steals our shit, kidnaps Julie, shoots at my wife. Oh, we beatin' him down. We beatin' him DOWN!
- Captain Howard: Until then, until then, you are Mike Lowrey, you be him, that's what you are, you're him.
- Marcus Burnett: But I-...
- Captain Howard: You're him, I don't wanna hear it, you're him. And you, you're you, you be you, but not in front of her. You're him, you're you.
- Marcus Burnett: You see what happens when you go off without me? You get into shit.
- Mike Lowrey: Oh please, like shit don't happen when you're there.
- Marcus Burnett: That - that ain't the point...
- Julie Mott: [Marcus offers some of his sandwich to Julie] No thanks, I don't eat flesh.
- Marcus Burnett: Say what?
- Julie Mott: That's flesh that you're shoveling into your mouth. You know, that was, like, a living, breathing creature. You know, it probably had a name.
- Marcus Burnett: It's just baloney. My baloney has a first name?
- Julie Mott: Well actually, your baloney has about 30 names! They take odd parts from all different ones, like the leftovers, the hooves, stomach lining, ears, stuff like that. They put it into this machine to grind it all up and out comes this sheet. That's like, what you're eating now.
- Marcus Burnett: [Visibly disgusted] Y'know what, I don't eat baloney anymore. How about a pickle? Can I eat the pickle?
- Julie Mott: There's a lot of salt in it, but yeah, it's fine. I mean, it is a vegetable.
- Marcus Burnett: A lot of salt in the pickle? Ok, let me rinse it off.
- [Dips it into his glass of Coke]
- Marcus Burnett: There we go.
- [Takes a bite]
- Marcus Burnett: How's that? I don't even taste the salt now!
- Marcus Burnett: [while pursuing Fouchet, who is up ahead in a roadster] You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can, and will be used against you in a court of law.
- Mike Lowrey: Yo man, what the fuck are you doing?
- Marcus Burnett: Getting it out the way.
- Marcus Burnett: [driving the "ice-cream truck"] What am I smellin'?
- Mike Lowrey: Just drive!
- Marcus Burnett: What am I smellin'?
- Julie Mott: [Sees barrels of ether hanging in the back of the van. Reads the label] Ether. Extremely... flammable... ether. Oh shit!
- Mike Lowrey: God-damn...
- Marcus Burnett: Oh, you-you-you-you da man. Oh you're the fuckin' man tonight! You go and pick an ice-cream truck that's a damn bomb!
- Mike Lowrey: Hey, hey, what's this having-a-picnic shit in my car?
- Marcus Burnett: Look man, I ain't getting my sex at home, OK? Don't deny me this.
- Mike Lowrey: What are you talking about, man? You sleep with a beautiful woman everyday.
- Marcus Burnett: I'm married. That's what married means. It means you sleep together, but you can't get none.
- Marcus Burnett: [to Fletch] If you don't sit your lanky ass down right now, bottom-line, I will knock you the fuck out.
- Mike Lowrey: You know what man? I'm so sick of this bullshit. What, I'm supposed to APOLOGIZE for my family leaving me money? All I EVER wanted to be was a cop. I go out there and take it to the max everyday. I'm the first guy through the door and I'm always the last one to leave the crime scene. So you know what? Fuck you, and fuck them, and fuck EVERYBODY that's got a problem with Mike Lowrey.
- Marcus Burnett: I love you, man.
- Mike Lowrey: Fuck you Marcus.
- Marcus Burnett: I do. You're cool. You're my boy.
- Mike Lowrey: Shut up, shut up Marcus. Slow-ass driver. Drivin' like a bitch. Slow-ass.
- Marcus Burnett: Why I gotta be all that? I'll take you and me off this fuckin' cliff if you keep fuckin' with me. Then it'll be what, two bitches in the sea. Huh, is that it? Is that what you want?
- Mike Lowrey: Shut up, Marcus.
- Marcus Burnett: My wife knows I ain't no bitch. I'm a bad boy.
- Marcus Burnett: What are our chances?
- Mike Lowrey: Remember Club Hell?
- Marcus Burnett: Yeah.
- Mike Lowrey: Worse.
- Marcus Burnett: [after the Fouchet thug tries to shoot the gun nothing happens and Marcus slams him into a urinal] Next time, learn to work the safety with your punk-ass.
- Julie Mott: So... this is a stakeout. Not what I imagined. Thought there'd be more... conversation.
- Marcus Burnett: Sorry it's not up to your... usual high standards.
- Julie Mott: Is he always like this on a stakeout? I mean, what is it? Too much caffeine? Not enough sex?
- Marcus Burnett: Hey.
- Mike Lowrey: Ooh, ooh. I can't believe she went there on you. You don't know who you talking to? That's Mike Lowrey over there. King Ding-a-Ling. Go ahead, why don't you whip it out for her, big boy?
- Marcus Burnett: Look, now I ain't no Wesley Snipes! I just hang out with stupid ass friends, that drive stupid ass cars, that attract a lot of mother fuckin' attention!
- Mike Lowrey: You know what, I need to jump over this car and smack you in your peasy ass head that's what I need to do.
- Marcus Burnett: Well, you know what you're arguin' over a mother fuckin' french fry.
- Mike Lowrey: It's not about the french fry, it's about your lack of respect for other people's property!
- White Carjacker: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
- Black Carjacker: Shut the fuck up!
- Marcus Burnett: [to Black Carjacker] Hold the fuck on!
- [to Mike]
- Marcus Burnett: You want some bad enough, come get some!
- Marcus Burnett: [suddenly throws coke in the Black Carjacker's face and kicks him in the crotch, while Mike punches the White Carjacker in the face]
- Marcus Burnett: [Pointing gun at the Black Carjacker, who is on the ground] You like that shit? Wesley Snipes, Passenger 57! Now gimme a mother fuckin' handy wipe!
- Mike Lowrey: [Pointing gun at the White Carjacker, who is on the ground] Now let's hear one of those jokes, bitch.
- Mike Lowrey: Please, man. Married life is easy. You only got one woman to satisfy.
- Marcus Burnett: Yo, man, we ain't the Cosbys.