Father Ted (TV Series 1995–1998) Poster


Dermot Morgan: Father Ted Crilly



  • Father Ted : It's not as if everyone's going to go off and join some mad religious cult just because we go off for a picnic for a couple of hours.

    Father Dougal : God, Ted, I heard about those cults. Everyone dressing in black and saying our Lord's gonna come back and judge us all!

    Father Ted : No... No, Dougal, that's us. That's Catholicism.

  • [Ted answers the phone] 

    Bishop Brennan : Crilly, It's me.

    Father Ted : Oh Feck!

    Bishop Brennan : What?

    Father Ted : [in French accent]  Who ees thees? Zere is no Creely 'ere.

    [Ted hangs up] 

    Father Ted : God almighty! I just said "feck" to Bishop Brennan!

    Father Dougal : Oho! He won't like that!

    Father Ted : It might be alright though. I disguised my voice so he'd think he dialled the wrong number.

    [phone rings, Ted picks it up] 

    Father Ted : Ah, Bishop Brennan. I think you must have got the wrong number when you called there.

  • [Dougal has named his pet rabbit Father Jack Hackett] 

    Father Ted : No, Dougal, this is too confusing, you'll have to pick a new name.

    Father Dougal : Ah, could we not call Jack something else?

    Father Ted : Oh, great, what'll we call him? Flipper! Flipper the Priest!

    Father Jack Hackett : Yes?

  • Mrs Doyle : There's always time for a nice cup of tea. Sure, didn't the Lord himself pause for a nice cup of tea before giving himself up for the world.

    Father Ted : No, he didn't, Mrs Doyle!

    Mrs Doyle : Well, whatever the equivalent they had for tea in those days, cake or something. And speaking of cake, I have cake!

    [holds up a cupcake] 

    Father Ted : No, thanks, Mrs Doyle.

    Mrs Doyle : Are you sure, Father? There's cocaine in it!

    Father Ted : WHAT?

    Mrs Doyle : Oh, no, not cocaine. God, what am I on about. No, what d'you call them. Raisins.

  • Father Ted : Fascists dress in black and go around telling people what to do, whereas priests... more drink!

  • Father Ted : What was that sermon about?

    Father Dougal : Sorry Ted, I was concentrating too hard on looking holy.

  • Father Ted : That's the great thing about Catholicism - it's very vague and no-one knows what its really all about.

  • Father Ted : Dougal, is there anything on your mind?


    Father Ted : Let me rephrase that...

  • Father Ted : That money was just resting in my account!

  • [Tom has just robbed the local post office] 

    Father Ted : Are you up to your old tricks, Tom?

    Tom : No, Father. It's my money. I just didn't want to fill out the forms.

  • Father Ted : Now concentrate this time, Dougal. These

    [he points to some plastic cows on the table] 

    Father Ted : are small, but those

    [pointing at some cows out of the window] 

    Father Ted : are far away... Small, far away

    [Dougal shakes his head in confusion] 

    Father Ted : Ah forget it...

  • Father Ted : You won't be able to come with me... when I go into space. I'm going to be the first priest in space.

    Father Dougal : God Ted, first America then space, what next?

  • Father Ted : That's right, Dougal. You see, ordinary shops sell what look like black socks, but if you look closely, you'll see that they're very, very, very, very, very, very, very dark blue.

    Father Dougal : That's true. I thought my Uncle Tommy was wearing black socks, but when I looked at them closely, they were just very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very dark blue.

    Father Ted : Never buy black socks from a normal shop.

    [Whispers to Dougal] 

    Father Ted : They shaft you every time!

    [Dougal looks worried] 

  • Father Ted : How long has Father Jack been living in there?

    Father Dougal : Uh, he started just a few days after you left.

    Father Ted : Maybe he's agoraphobic?

    Father Dougal : Jack scared of fighting? I don't think so Ted.

  • Father Ted : Ah, it's nothing. Just went mad for a second, there.

  • Father Ted : Come on, Dougal, switch the television off. Chewing gum for the eyes!

    Father Dougal : No thanks, Ted!

  • Father Jack Hackett : [after Bishop Brennan asks how he is]  Arsebiscuits!

    Father Niall Haverty : [shocked]  How dare you say that to His Grace, you must apologize immediately!

    Father Jack Hackett : [Father Ted squirms, as Father Jack sits up and puts his hands on his front like a rabbit, and in a rabbit-like voice]  I'm... so... sooo... sorry.

    [then nibbles like a rabbit] 

    Father Ted : [to Mrs. Doyle]  Now that's sarcasm.

  • [Father Jack has sobered up and is remembering words. He sees Sister Assumpta] 

    Father Jack Hackett : Nan!

    Father Ted : No, Father this is a nun.

    Father Jack Hackett : [Terrified]  Nun!

    [Runs out the window] 

    Father Ted : [Waves]  Bye, Father!

    [to Assumpta] 

    Father Ted : He's just out for his walk

  • Father Ted : [in the department store]  Where did you manage to stick Jack in the end?

    Father Dougal : Ah, they've got this great place, Ted where you can put people who don't want to go shopping. They can just stay there and have a laugh.

    Father Ted : Really? Never heard of that. Were there other people there?

    Father Dougal : Ah, loads of people, Ted. He'll be fine.

    [cut to Jack, in the creche, smoking a cigarette and surrounded by children playing] 

  • Father Ted : Meals are at eleven, one, half-two, three, five, seven, and nine, and if you want a quick snack, you can just ask Mrs. Doyle there.

  • Father Ted : He's back from the dead. Like that fellow... ET.

  • Father Ted : The way I feel now I could convert gays!

  • [to his pet rabbit] 

    Father Dougal : Come on, Sampras.

    Father Ted : What did you call him?

    Father Dougal : Sampras, like Pete Sampras.

    Father Ted : Why?

    Father Dougal : Well... you know, rabbits, tennis, you know that whole connection there.

  • Father Dougal : I know! Well lure them into a giant bingo game!

    Father Ted : And how are we going to do that?

    Father Dougal : We'll print up some bingo cards on our printing press and... oh.

    Father Ted : Yes, it's the lack of a printing press that lets us down there. Or bingo balls. Or a PA system. Or in fact, any bingo paraphernalia at all.

    Father Dougal : Damn. So near, yet so far.

  • Father Ted : It's fabulous being a priest - think of all that comfort you bring to the sick and dying. They love it, they can't get enough of it!

  • Father Jack Hackett : Nan?

    Father Ted : No, Jack, Nun.

    Father Jack Hackett : Nun! Arrrggghhhh!

  • Father Ted : Come on, Divorce Referendum!

  • Father Ted : No, no, no, no. Father Nolan was in the gas explosion. It punched a hole in his chest the size of a football. When they found him afterwards, they were only able to identify him by his dental records.

    Father Dougal : Poor Father Nolan!

    Father Ted : Yes, he's very low at the moment.

  • Father Dougal : Knock-knock, Ted.

    Father Ted : Who's there?

    Father Dougal : Father Dougal McGuire.

    Father Ted : Good night, Dougal.

  • Father Ted : [slideshow]  The Chinese. A grand bunch of lads.

  • Father Dougal : Ah, what are you after, Ted?

    Father Ted : I'm not after anything. It's not unknown for Priests to pray once in a while.

  • Father Jack Hackett : [looking for beer]  Drink!

    Father Ted : You won't find any there father. I put it somewhere very safe.

    Father Jack Hackett : Where?

    [we see a cave above a sea - in the cave is all the beer] 

  • Father Dougal : Next you're going to tell us you're Santa.

    Father Ted : No Dougal. I'm the opposite of Santa.

    Father Dougal : The anti-Santa?

  • Father Ted : Heart of Gold that man, he'd do anything to you... for you.

  • Father Ted : It's just a rush. I feel fearless. Like Jeff Bridges in that movie.

    Father Dougal : I didn't see that one.

    Father Ted : Not many people have, Dougal. It's probably a bad reference.

  • Father Larry Duff : It's a bit hard to talk right now, Ted. The fuzz just found a box of semiautomatic weapons in the back of Father O' Brian's car.

    Father Ted : Ah, I never thought he'd be into that stuff.

    Father Larry Duff : Yeah, you think you know someone.

    [Father O' Brian makes a run for it and is gunned down] 

  • Father Ted : You do realise that that image will stay with me for the rest of my life?

  • Grieving Priest : Oh, Ted! We'll never see him again!

    Father Ted : We'll see him in Heaven, Father!

    Grieving Priest : Oh, yeah! Right!

  • Father Ted : There's a Chinatown on Craggy Island?

  • Father Ted : So now he doesn't know whether to stay with his wife, the sister, or run off with the babysitter!

    Father Dougal : And when's his next Confession?

    Father Ted : Tuesday.

  • Father Ted : Where are they going? I invite them around and they won't even hear my side of the Story!

  • Father Ted : Are we going into Space?

  • Father Ted : Careful, Father Jack! You don't want to go too far down that Bob Geldof road!

    Father Dougal : Oooh, that's a bad road, Ted!

  • Father Ted : How's everything in the World of Religion?

  • Father Ted : Go home and count your sour grapes before they hatch!

  • Father Ted : [about Father Byrne]  Well didn't you think it was strange? Three Priests on an Island, alone like that?

  • Father Ted : You know, time was the Police were more on the Church's side! Even turning a blind eye to the occasional murder! But now? Oh no!

  • Father Ted : What would you say is behind tomorrow's window, Father Jack?

    Father Jack Hackett : A feckin' pair of women's knickers.

  • Father Ted : [stares with determination at Bishop Brennan's arse] 

See also

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