Towards the end of the movie, in the bar, Rock's beer and cigarettes disappear and reappear between shots.
As the van begins to fall backwards off the mini-golf volcano, the metal bar holding it to the volcano can be seen under the van.
Large emphasis was placed at the start of the movie that regulations state a female prisoner must have a female escort present during transfer, it was only that Devane was duped into signing the release form why they were forced to ignore this strict regulation, however after they release her into the custody of the Navy at the end, she then again is escorted by two separate male SP's with nobody thinking anything of it.
A plot point rests on Toni discovering Eddie's scam by listening in on his phone conversation. However, they are in connecting rooms with separate phone lines, not a single large room with one line. She would not have been able to listen in on his line.
As Eddie returns to the motel room drunk, the mic is reflected in the mirror.