5 of 19 found this moderate
History is given of a woman being a father-daughter incest rape survivor. Erotic imagery is evoked of a gun as a symbol for a penis.
A nude man and woman are shown kissing and having sex in bed (we see the man's bare buttocks as he thrusts on top of her); she caresses his bare back and buttocks as he kisses down her chest and abdomen (her bare breasts are visible); oral sex is implied as she moans and appears to climax.
A woman is forced to slowly undress (no nudity is visible) in front of her husband. She kisses down his chest as he closes his eyes (oral sex is implied).
A man and a woman kiss passionately on the staircase of a lighthouse.
A woman's nude husband emerges from a bathtub and puts on a robe; he kisses her neck and shoulder and begins to remove her dress.
4 of 7 found this mild
Some moderate level violence in this movie.
A woman behaves erratically in a restaurant due to "pathological intoxication;" she shouts at her husband and tackles him, knocking over his chair and the dinner table; we later see her being sedated in a hospital.
A woman bashes her husband three times over the head with a dumbbell and he falls into a bathtub (blood pours and fills the water; we understand that he is dead).
A woman shouts at a man and a doctor injects her with a sedative; she continues to shout at them and struggles as she is pulled away by two other doctors.
A woman shoots a man in the chest (blood sprays and we see the bloody bullet wound).
A woman holds two men at gunpoint and forces them to drive to the ocean; they drive over a ditch, causing the gun to fire and shatter the windshield, and the car swerves into the water (we see some blood on the driver's face).
A woman shoots at a man repeatedly; he runs up the staircase of a lighthouse to a balcony; she holds him at gunpoint and part of the balcony breaks, causing the man to dangle over the ocean; another man appears and the woman shoots at him, hitting a window instead; the other man grabs the woman's foot and pulls her off the balcony and she falls to her presumed death in the water below; the man breaks a window and is pulled through to safety by the other man.
4 of 8 found this moderate
At least 24 F-words, many sexual references, 12 scatological terms, 8 anatomical terms, 11 mild obscenities, 1 religious profanity, 8 religious exclamations.
4 of 4 found this mild
Adult characters drink alcoholic beverages and smoke cigarettes in several scenes.
A woman drinks from a bottle of cough syrup.
4 of 5 found this mild
A somewhat intense thriller, not for the faint of heart.
A woman's husband is portrayed as controlling and abusive, eventually driving the woman to murder him; the tension in the film escalates as we discover more about her mental instability and her plan to frame a man for the crime.
The final scene may be considered intense for some viewers.