Richard Tyson credited as playing...
- [Crisp's mother is buying a heap of pediatric medication]
- Cullen Crisp: The boy's not sick.
- Eleanor Crisp: Doesn't hurt to take precautions.
- Cullen Crisp: Mother, you are going to make him sick. You stuffed all this crap down my throat for years, and there was nothing wrong with me!
- Eleanor Crisp: That's why there was nothing wrong with you.
- Cullen Crisp: Now, how can you argue with that?
- Cullen Crisp: [holding Dominic at gunpoint] Kimble!
- Detective John Kimble: He's not your hostage; he's your son.
- Cullen Crisp: Drop it. On the floor.
- Detective John Kimble: You want to do this to your own son?
- Cullen Crisp: Drop it. I'm losing it. Hurry.
- Detective John Kimble: [puts his gun down] Okay. Now why don't you let the boy go?
- Cullen Crisp: The boy is mine. He's *my* boy. You get your own goddamn family!
- [as Crisp raises his gun to shoot Kimble, the ferret bursts out of Dominic's shirt and bites Crisp's neck, spoiling his aim and causing him to shoot Kimble in the leg and lose his grip on Dominic]
- Joyce: Dominic, run!
- [Dominic scrambles out of the way, Kimble drops to the floor, snatches up his gun and shoots Crisp dead]
- Joyce: Cullen.
- Cullen Crisp: [holding Dominic hostage] Rachael. Good, just what I need.
- Joyce: Please, Cullen, let him go.
- Cullen Crisp: How the hell you get out of here?
- Joyce: Stop. You're scaring him!
- Cullen Crisp: He's scared? Of course he's scared. You told him all these lies about me, my son doesn't even know me because of you.
- Joyce: Please, please, don't do this.
- Cullen Crisp: I'm his father. You stole him from me.
- Joyce: Please, let him go.
- [reaches for Dominic]
- Cullen Crisp: Don't touch him!
- [punches Joyce in the face; Dominic screams and runs away]
- Cullen Crisp: Dominic, I didn't want to. She made me do it. Everything's gonna be okay, Dominic. We'll start a whole new family.
- Crisp: You can't just walk in here and put a gun in my face. I'm trying to get a manicure.
- Cullen Crisp: Kimble, you've wasted years chasing after me, and what has it got you? Huh? Nothing! I'll be out of here in a week, and you'll still be eating takeout food in that dump you live in. Yeah! I know all about you, Kimble. Without me, you wouldn't even have a life. My old lady left because of the money. Yours left because she just couldn't stand the sight of you.
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