Sabine Azéma aufgeführt in der Rolle von...
Irène de Courtil
- Alice: Will you go to Mass?
- Irène de Courtil: Why?
- Alice: Just because.
- Irène de Courtil: I don't think so, no.
- Alice: You're against it? You're against God?
- Irène de Courtil: I should be. All humans should be.
- Alice: You're right. Especially women. Only we don't dare.
- [Irene de Courtil reacts to an explosion]
- Irène de Courtil: It's as if the war was still on.
- Major Dellaplane: You saw the war from afar. War is worse, so much worse. Acres and acres covered with rotting cadavers, no trees, fly-covered heads sticking out of waterholes... It stinks. Swarming with rats...
- Irène de Courtil: Shut up!
- Major Dellaplane: We do nothing but shut up! Who'd listen to us anyway? Who'd print it? The newspapers want only lies and official idiocy. "The war's devastating allure only appears to be destructive." I read that. Signed: General Cherfils. One million five hundred thousand deaths only appear to be dead. Bastards! Bastards!
- Irène de Courtil: Do you want me? As I really am?
- Major Dellaplane: But listen! Really! You say such things. You hardly know me.
- Irène de Courtil: I don't mean a business partnership.
- [Irène de Courtil bursts in on Major Dellaplane unannounced]
- Major Dellaplane: Can't you knock?
- Irène de Courtil: I did. On ten doors, monsieur. Major Dellaplane Knock on eleven. Knock till somebody answers.
- [Irene de Courtil is complaining that Major Dellaplane is not doing enough to locate her missing husband]
- Irène de Courtil: So you've decided to be an obstacle.
- Major Dellaplane: No, madame. I don't have time to explain, but no, I'm not an obstacle. Except that there are 350,000 missing soldiers--349,771, to be exact. So tell the patriarch of Shukert and De Courtil that a 350-thousandth of my "staggering incompetence" is devoted to his personal case. A 350-thousandth of my time, but that's all.
- Irène de Courtil: You dared tell her?
- Major Dellaplane: Yes.
- Irène de Courtil: Why such brutality?
- Major Dellaplane: To help her.
- Irène de Courtil: By torturing her?
- Major Dellaplane: By stunning her. You have to strike once, so hard it's like a nightmare. Later you wake up and life seems gentler.