This film is notable for the large number of fantasy/sci-fi/horror authors in the cast, several making their only appearance on film. Writer/director/actor Somtow Sucharitkul has published numerous novels as "S.P. Somtow"; star Tim Sullivan published several novels both before and after this film.
Other novelists in the cast include Tim Powers (twice nominated for science fiction's Nebula award); Gregory Frost (perhaps best known for 1984s "Lyrec"); Edward Bryant and Arthur Byron Cover (both protégés of Harlan Ellison, with numerous novels to their credit); Brynne Stephens (1986's ''The Dream Palace", but probably better known for her scriptwriting work on TV shows like Batman: The Animated Series (1992) and Gargoyles (1994); and William F. Wu (two-time Hugo and Nebula nominee). Also in the cast: acclaimed comic book author Len Wein (co-creator of Swamp Thing and Wolverine), and legendary writer/agent/superfan (and inventor of the term "sci-fi") Forrest J. Ackerman.
One of the sets where the crew shot was the staging area for The High Chaparral (1967), according to star Tim Sullivan.
Somtow Sucharitkul (Somtow Sucharitkul) was a very accomplished musician, the tunes and arpeggios he plays on the piano are performed by his own hands (no stand-in required).
Not released on video in the United States until 2023.