3sur 4 ayant trouvé ceci mild
A woman briefly exposes her breasts.
5sur 5 ayant trouvé ceci severe
During a dream sequence, a pregnant woman is stabbed in the abdomen, and a grown boy rises from her womb wrapped in intestines and covered in blood.
A woman opens her chest and pulls out her beating heart, then pulls out the heart of a man from his chest and switch the two hearts in each chest; lots of blood and gore.
A man gets decapitated with a bare hand, and his neck shoots lots of blood.
A man is graphically run over with a bus, crushing his head and torso, and one of his eyes pops out, and another man gets slammed against a wall with the bus and his face becomes covered in blood.
A man punches a woman's head, crushing it, and brain matter is seen in his hand.
A man's arm is graphically pulled out of his body, then his severed hand is jammed down his throat
A few people's faces start to discolor and swell, and their eyes begin to bleed.
Several corpses/zombies are seen disfigured and covered in bloody wounds.
Several boys and girls are sacrificed, offscreen, and their beating hearts are put on a plate.
4sur 4 ayant trouvé ceci moderate
15 uses of "fuck", and a few uses of "shit".
3 personne(s) sur 3 ont trouvé ceci none
2sur 4 ayant trouvé ceci moderate