8 of 15 found this mild
A woman passionately kisses a man in bed leading up to having sex but something happens that interrupts them.
It's implied that a prostitute woman has sex with a man several times, but no sex is shown. You see guy in his boxers and her in a night gown after they supposedly had sex.
A woman kissing on a guy's chest and neck and shoulder. Sex is implied but not shown.
10 of 13 found this moderate
A man and woman have a funny but mildly brutal fistfight in an alley.
A brief car chase occurs in which one person accidentally shoots and kills another occupant of the same car.
A man shoots and kills a woman who tries to kill him.
At the beginning, a man is shot in the head (not much blood shown).
A man is punched in the face, nose broken.
A man is shown with his throat cut (very graphic)
A shootout occurs and three people are killed. No blood or gore.
19 of 22 found this severe
"Shit" is said many times.
"Damn" and "goddamn" are said many times.
"Ass", "Dick", and "Pussy" are said, and "Asshole" is said many times.
133 uses of 'fuck' including many 'motherfucker'.
"Hell" is said many times.
The N-word is mentioned a good amount of times.
Along with the "N-word" being mentioned at least five times, the word "jig", a slur towards Black people, is mentioned a few times.
Countless F Bombs
Rated R For Strong Graphic Language Throughout and Some Violence.
7 of 12 found this mild
Several scenes take place in clubs where many people are drinking.
One character smokes cigars in several scenes.
A lot of alcohol use and smoking, no drug use
6 of 10 found this mild