When Tommy's brother and his friends shoot at Quick, the man fires his revolver seven times without reloading.
After Jack Jenkins leaves Sugar Ray's and Quick's table in the restaurant, they talk about the 3 to 1 odds they will receive on Jenkins for the upcoming fight. When Phil and Bugsy are talking in the sauna, They say the odds for Jenkins' opponent, Kirkpatrick are 3 to 1. They are saying that the odds on both fighters are the same.
When the young Quick shoots the enraged gambler in the head, his shot is shown striking him squarely in the man's forehead. Yet when he's picked up off the table there is absolutely no blood where he landed face down.
When the young Quick shoots the enraged gambler in the head, his shot is shown striking him squarely in the man's forehead. Given Quick's height, the man's height and Quick's location vis-a-vis the man, this was not possible. Quick is both too short and too close to the man to have made the shot.
At the beginning of the movie, the big gambler is shot in the middle of his forehead and falls face first on the table. 29 seconds after the gun shot, the man is removed from the table without one drop of blood being on the table. There should have been a good sized puddle after 29 seconds of that type of wound.
Quick jumps out of a moving car, rolls one way to avoid a car, then rolls the other way. The he runs and dives through a large glass window of a store. And his hat remains on his head.
A double yellow line dividing the road can be seen when Quick is being chased down the highway by Tommy Small's brother. Center lines in 1938 were painted white. Double yellow lines were not used on US Highways until 1971.
Multiple lines of dialogue reflect later 20th century speech and not that of the film's 1930s setting.