1 of 4 found this moderate
A man enters a hotel and there are two women in the reception room, rather scantily clad for the era and acting erotically, presumably prostitutes. They moan and swoon when the man is asked whether he wants a large bed and when he chooses the room with a window. He is confused and presumably oblivious to their innuendos, and there is no more said or shown about it after he is led to his room alone.
A woman dressed in her underclothes wakes up and goes into a man's room, and talks to him as he is working. She then says "I think I'll go to bed" and stares at him suggestively. He is oblivious to her advances and cheerily says "G'night!", she leaves disappointed.
Albert is shirtless in short scene's throughout the film.
A cook prepares food in trousers and an apron just half-covering his breasts.
In two scenes, Albert is seen playing violin whilst sitting stark-naked in a washing basin and later in a bath. Bubbles are just covering the crotch area.
A male character asks his wife "what about some light entertainment" she misunderstands and replies "A little too early in the day for that don't you think?" while nudging with elbow. He get's annoyed and says he meant turning on the radio.
A man is seen stroking a marble statue's breast with his finger (very quick)
Naked male butts in a bath scene. We then cut to a closeup of butts being spanked with a towel (very brief). Marie Curie show some cleavage in a few scenes.
1 of 2 found this mild
Slapstick action and explosions.
2 of 3 found this to have none
One quick use of God's name in vain "Oh my G**"
None or at least nothing that couldn't be said on network television.
2 of 3 found this mild
Two characters get drunk.
Beer drinking.
2 of 2 found this mild
There is a scene in a mental asylum where a cook is starting to bake a kitten pie with live kittens. It is played for laughs and the kittens are rescued before any harm comes to them but it still might bother young children.