- Mephisto: Men have always fought each other, always creating chaos. That's familiar and safe. They know where they are in those circumstances, but to hazard a step into the unknown and actually love on another is far too risky for them. So if the demons do invade the world, bringing terror and misery with them, don't you think that men might welcome them as bearers of what they desire?
- Kyoya: Are you one of them? Are you, Mephisto?
- Mephisto: I have been called demonic, unjustly. I only ask if this world is worth giving your life for, do you know what you are doing?
- Mephisto: Men anger the gods with their pride, and in order to punish them, the gods looked on as Pandora opened her box letting chaos loose. And now here in Monster City, mythology will become reality.
- Mephisto: Remember this, Pandora's box released chaos. The gods saw the dispair her actions caused so they released one last item with the others so mankind could bear to go on, the gift of hope. 'Til next time.
- Kyoya: All the power of my Father is mine!
- (Disembodied spirit) 'Father': Believe the power; but do not think yourself its master: It is greater than you. Be content to serve it; it is the power, the control, the chi of the universe in which all things are born. You must learn to understand that all.
- Kyoya: Thanks, Dad.