- Willy: I... I just went to get the gun, trying to show you how to put a bullet in the chamber. See that? I got him right between the eyes! Just like I said... Right between the eyes! Damn... You see that Ally? Right betw... right between the eyes! Just like I said. Between... between the eyes. Got him... I got him, right between the eyes Ally! I got the fucker right between the eyes. Right between the eyes Ally. Just like I said... Right between the eyes!
- Peter: [the survivors hear classical music start to play] He's enjoying himself! Do you realize he's enjoying himself!
- Brett: [grabs Corrine jokingly by the throat] Don't worry, dear, it's only Mother. What's our bright-eyed ingénue reading now?
- Corinne: Stanislavski.
- Brett: Oh, saints preserve us.
- Corinne: It's what an actor prepares, it's fantastic.
- Brett: Hmm, let me know when you get up to the part about making enough money to keep body and soul together. That's the information I can use.
- [Laurel screams in background]
- Brett: Oh, look at Laurel. She's a perfect example of the method; she really feels her part. Keep it up, sweetie!
- [Laurel flicks him off]
- Peter: You know that people have a morbid curiosity about murder. And they're going to line up for blocks to see a show in which one of the actresses has been murdered by the real-life maniac in the plot!
- Danny: We can't stay here all night, Peter. He could block the exit and set fire to the whole damned place!
- Peter: There are some people who like to fondle the dancers' asses surreptitiously backstage, and some people who like to see the aforementioned asses displayed in the blaze of the spotlight on the stage.
- Peter: In case it slipped your mind, this show opens in just one week from now, and as you can see, those people up there literally stink.