- [the kid approaches Freddy Krueger around the pool, standing up for the other frightened kids]
- Do-Gooder: [holding his hands up, walking to Freddy] Just tell us what you want, all right? I'm here to help you.
- Freddy Krueger: Help yourself, fucker!
- [as Freddy slices his shoulder and throws him against the flaming barbecue pit]
- [Freddy walks at Lisa who has a knife]
- Lisa Webber: Jesse, help.
- Freddy Krueger: There is no Jesse. I'm Jesse now!
- Lisa Webber: Get away from me! Get away from me!
- Jesse Walsh: [Freddy speaks in Jesse's voice] Kill me, Lisa. Please, kill me.
- Freddy Krueger: [laughs] Come on, Lisa. Kill him. Kill him!
- Jesse Walsh: [Lisa begins to stab Freddy's shoulder, as Freddy chuckles, talking in Jesse's voice] I love you, Lisa.
- [Freddy speaks to Jesse for the first time in Jesse's nightmare]
- Freddy Krueger: [runs the knives of his glove over Jesse's head] I need you, Jesse. We got special work to do here, you and me.
- [slams Jesse against the wall, slowly tilting his head to him]
- Freddy Krueger: You've got the body...
- [takes off his hat and digs his own fingers into his skull]
- Freddy Krueger: I've got the brain.
- [Freddy looks at the kids around the pool with his arms out, the gas flame from the barbecue pit blazing behind him]
- Freddy Krueger: You are all my children now.
- Ron Grady: So, what about you and that rich babe you've been cruising to school with every day.
- Jesse Walsh: What about her?
- Ron Grady: Are you mounting her nightly or what?
- Ron Grady: So, you live around here or what?
- Jesse Walsh: Yeah, my parents just bought a place on Elm Street.
- Ron Grady: Elm Street? You telling me you moved into that big white house with bars on the window?
- Jesse Walsh: Yeah, what about it?
- Ron Grady: Shit. You can tell your old man he's a real chump.
- Jesse Walsh: What are you talking about now, Grady?
- Ron Grady: Some chick was locked in there by her mother and she went crazy. She watched her boyfriend get butchered across the street by some maniac.
- Jesse Walsh: You're full of shit, Grady.
- [Lisa finds Nancy's diary in Jesse's closet and reads the first page]
- Lisa Webber: "Sometimes when I'm lying here in bed, I can see Glenn in the window across the way getting ready for bed. His body is slim and smooth, and I know I shouldn't watch him, but that part of me that wants him forces me to. That's when I weaken. That's when I want to go to him."
- Jesse Walsh: Can I see that?
- [begins to read the next page in the diary]
- Jesse Walsh: "March 15th - He comes to me at night, horrible, ugly, and dirty, under the sheets with me, tearing at my night gown with his steel claw."
- [flips the page]
- Jesse Walsh: "His name is Fred. And he keeps trying to take me to the boiler room. He wants to kill me."
- Lisa Webber: What is it?
- [Jesse hands the diary back over to Lisa, as she reads]
- Lisa Webber: "Tina is dead." Jesse, are you okay?
- Jesse Walsh: It's just something that Grady said... about the girl that used to live here. How she went crazy when she saw her boyfriend get murdered across the street.
- [Lisa forces Jesse to try and fight Freddy from taking over his body]
- Lisa Webber: Jesse, fight him!
- Jesse Walsh: I can't!
- Lisa Webber: [the house window shuts and locks itself] Fight it, Jesse! You created him. You can destroy him! He is living off of your fear, Jesse. Fight him.
- Jesse Walsh: I can't!
- Lisa Webber: Yes, you can. Fight him! You are not afraid of him! He doesn't even exist!
- [Jesse goes to Lisa's house, telling her that Freddy Krueger is inside his body]
- Lisa Webber: Jesse, who is doing this to you?
- Jesse Walsh: Fred Krueger! He's inside me, and he wants to take me again!
- Lisa Webber: No, no... Jesse? Jesse, this is not happening. It's got to be everything you've taken in - Schneider, the diary, the glove, only it's all mixed up.
- Jesse Walsh: Christ, what do I have to do to make you understand me? Last night he made me try and kill my sister.
- [holds out his bloody hands]
- Jesse Walsh: I got blood on my hands. He owns me.
- [Jesse drives Lisa to school as she asks him if he's okay]
- Lisa Webber: You had another nightmare, didn't you?
- Jesse Walsh: Yes, I had a bad night.
- Lisa Webber: Do you want to talk about it?
- Jesse Walsh: My dad thinks I'm on drugs. My mom thinks I'm crazy. And, you know, at this point, I don't know if I don't disagree with her.
- [Jesse sits with Ron in his bedroom, asking Ron for help]
- Jesse Walsh: I need you to help me. Okay?
- Ron Grady: All right, man. What do you want me to do?
- Jesse Walsh: Just watch me. And if anything starts to happen - If I start to act weird, or start dreaming weird, or try to walk out of here, you gotta stop me. I don't care if you have to hit me over the head, just don't let me leave. And, Grady... don't fall asleep.
- [Jesse tells Ron that something is inside of him and it's trying to get out]
- Jesse Walsh: There's something inside of me. And last night it made me go in to my sister's room. And tonight with Lisa in the cabana, it started happening again.
- Ron Grady: I think you are seriously losing it, bro.
- Jesse Walsh: I'm scared, Grady. Something is trying to get inside my body.
- Ron Grady: Yeah, and she's female, and she's waiting for you in the cabana. And you wanna sleep with me.
- [Jesse finds Freddy Krueger's glove inside of his home's basement boiler]
- Freddy Krueger: [as Freddy appears from behind the boiler] Go ahead, Jesse. Try it on for size.
- [Jesse throws down the steel glove]
- Freddy Krueger: [Freddy puts his hand on the basement boiler as it sizzles] Kill for me!
- [we see the view of something coming out from the basement, moving through the house, up the stairs, as Jesse enters into Angela's bedroom]
- Freddy Krueger: [Freddy's voice speaks down to Angela in her bed] Wake up, little girl.
- Angela Walsh: [Angela wakes up from sleeping and turns over, asking half asleep] What time is it?
- Jesse Walsh: [seeing Jesse stand over her wearing Freddy's glove] It's late. Go back to sleep.
- [Jesse and Ron talk in the locker room about Coach Schneider]
- Jesse Walsh: You know, Schneider shouldn't have called you out on that last play.
- Ron Grady: Yeah, well, Schneider's got a stick up his ass today.
- Jesse Walsh: [Jesse chuckles] Schneider's always got a stick up his ass.
- Coach Schneider: Hello, dirtballs.
- [Jesse tries to hold Freddy behind the basement door when he calls out for his dad]
- Jesse Walsh: Dad! Help!
- Freddy Krueger: [Jesse turns to run away when Freddy appears, standing behind him] Daddy can't help you now!
- [Jesse joins his parents for morning breakfast, as Angela digs in a cereal box for the toy prize]
- Cheryl Walsh: Jesse, are you okay?
- Jesse Walsh: It's just so hot up there. I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping.
- Cheryl Walsh: I know - Ken, I wish you'd call somebody and have the air conditioning...
- Ken Walsh: There's nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with that air conditioning, mom. It just needs a shot of Freon.
- Angela Walsh: [Angela finds the toy prize] Here they are!
- Jesse Walsh: Oh, no. Come on, dad, you're not trying to fix something again.
- Ken Walsh: [Ken smiles] Nobody likes a smart ass, buddy boy.
- Angela Walsh: [Angela holds up her hand wearing the Freddy look-alike Fu Man fingers] Look.
- [the students listen to their biology teacher talk about the human digestive system]
- Biology Teacher: So, to review... the solid waste, those nutrients not absorbed by the lining of the stomach, the large intestine, the small intestine, and the alimentary canal, are passed down through the colon.
- [Ron makes a farting sound as the rest of the students chuckle]
- Biology Teacher: Liquid nutrients are then carried through an elaborate system of filtering, aided by the pancreas, liver, and gall bladder or collected in the gall bladder to be expelled at a later time.
- [another student makes a gagging sound as the students laugh some more]
- Biology Teacher: And, this entire process has kept moving through the circulatory system... the center of which is...
- Biology Teacher: [the biology teacher drops a human heart on the desk] The heart.
- Ron Grady: [Ron yells out] Yeah!
- [Jesse wakes up from a nightmare in class and screams in his biology class as a snake wraps itself around him]
- Biology Teacher: [the teacher removes the snake off Jesse] If you want to play with animals, Mr. Walsh, join the circus.
- [the students all laugh]
- [the policeman drops Jesse off at home to his parents late in the night]
- Policeman: [Jesse's parents answer the door] Good evening. Does this belong to you?
- Ken Walsh: [the parents see Jesse standing there with a blanket around him] Yes, sir - He's my son.
- Policeman: We found him out on the highway, wandering around. He was naked. I'd keep a short leash on him, if I were you.
- [last lines]
- Jesse Walsh: [sitting on the bus with Lisa and Kerry, as the bus hits a bump] What is this? Am I going crazy, or is this bus going too fast?
- Lisa Webber: It's going fine.
- Kerry: No problem.
- Jesse Walsh: [the bus begins to pick up speed] No, this bus is going too fast. Lisa, it's starting to speed up.
- Lisa Webber: It's fine.
- Jesse Walsh: Driver... Driver, stop!
- Jesse Walsh: [the bus slows down; Jesse see's another kid get on] I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Lisa Webber: It's okay. It's all right.
- Kerry: Jesse, it's okay. It's all over.
- [Freddy's hand rips through the front shirt of Kerry; the bus is shown driving out in the deserted field, the kids on the bus are heard screaming and Freddy's laughing]
- Ron Grady: Hey, what the fuck are you doing in my room?
- Jesse Walsh: Listen, I'm in trouble. I need you to let me stay here tonight.
- Ron Grady: Are you out of your mind?
- Jesse Walsh: [fearfully whispering] I don't know...
- [Ken and Cheryl Walsh argue about what help Jesse needs]
- Cheryl Walsh: He needs professional help. I think we have to take him to see a psychiatrist.
- Ken Walsh: Oh, come on, Cheryl. You're out of your gourd. What the hell will that do?
- Cheryl Walsh: I don't know. I just feel he needs help, and we don't know how to give it to him.
- Ken Walsh: Oh, come on, Cheryl.
- Cheryl Walsh: Are you hearing me? That boy's in trouble!
- Ken Walsh: No, he's not in trouble! What that boy needs is a good goddamn kick in the butt, that's what he needs! Tell you what he needs. He needs a methadone clinic.
- [Lisa looks over for Jesse on the floor as she hears Freddy's laugh]
- Lisa Webber: Jesse?
- Freddy Krueger: [stands up, scratching his steel claws on the desk, walking over to Lisa] He can't fight me. I'm him.
- [Jesse takes Lisa to school in his cheap car and starts it up by the wires for the car radio]
- Lisa Webber: Don't you ever use a key?
- Jesse Walsh: Why?
- Lisa Webber: Well, somebody could steal your car, couldn't they?
- Jesse Walsh: [Jesse smiles asking back to her] The deadly dinosaur?
- [Jesse arrives to school as Ron tells him about Coach Schneider being murdered]
- Ron Grady: [Ron stops Jesse outside the yellow tape] Yo, man. Where have you been? Schneider got wasted last night. He must have been working late. Some maniac came in and sliced him up like a kielbasa, hacked him in the shower. Got bloody footprints all over the place.
- [Jesse asks his father about their house during the family's morning breakfast]
- Jesse Walsh: Dad, how come it took them five years to sell this house?
- Ken Walsh: Oh, I don't know. Just couldn't get the right price, I suppose.
- Jesse Walsh: You didn't know anything about the murder across the street, and the crazy girl who lived here that saw the whole thing?
- Ken Walsh: They told me something about it, yeah, but I...
- Cheryl Walsh: You mean, you knew something about this, and you...
- Ken Walsh: Oh, come on, Cheryl. How do think we got such a good deal, huh?
- Jesse Walsh: Did they tell you that that girl lost her mind, and her mother killed herself in our living room?
- Cheryl Walsh: [Cheryl yells out louder] What?
- Jesse Walsh: Did they tell you that?
- Angela Walsh: Mom, I'm scared.
- Ken Walsh: [Ken signals for Angela to come to him] Come here.
- Cheryl Walsh: [Cheryl tells her daughter] Oh, honey, it's all right. Daddy and Jesse are just pretending, that's all. I don't think this is something we should discuss here.
- Ken Walsh: [Ken tells Jesse] See what you're doing here? I don't want to hear one more word about it, Jess. There is absolutely nothing, I mean *nothing*, wrong with this house. Come on.
- Angela Walsh: Something burning?
- [the Walsh family downstairs hear the sound of Jesse waking up by screaming]
- Angela Walsh: Mommy? Why can't Jesse wake up like everybody else?
- Cheryl Walsh: Oh, honey, he's all right. He's just having a bad dream.
- [first lines]
- Boy on Bus: [a student tells another student to turn his boombox down by throwing a paper at his head] Turn it down!
- [a girl on the bus tries to get the bus driver's attention when he doesn't stop at her drop off]
- Girl on Bus: Hey, driver, that was my stop. Driver that was my stop!
- [as the bus drives into a deserted field, bouncing through the hills of dirt with the students in the back]
- [Jesse gets hit in the head with a soft ball, as Coach Schneider goes onto the field to check on him]
- Coach Schneider: You okay?
- Jesse Walsh: Yeah, I'm fine.
- Coach Schneider: Well, pay attention next time!
- [Jesse and the family talk about how hot it is in the living room]
- Jesse Walsh: My, God - It is hot like an oven in here.
- Angela Walsh: Shh! The birds are sleeping.
- Ken Walsh: Cheryl, it's 97 degrees in here.
- [Ken Walsh tries to check behind the oven for a gas leak, and if it was the cause of the family bird to explode]
- Jesse Walsh: It isn't the gas.
- Ken Walsh: Don't tell me it's not the gas. Your mother thought she smelled gas.
- Cheryl Walsh: Well, Ken, I thought I did. I wasn't sure.
- Ken Walsh: All right, then. What is it? I mean, bird rabies? It's that cheap seed you been buying.
- Cheryl Walsh: Oh, please, Ken. Really...
- Ken Walsh: Well, it could be. There's got to be a reasonable explanation. I mean, animals don't just explode into flames for no reason. Do they?
- [Jesse's parents question him after arriving home with the police naked]
- Ken Walsh: Two questions. You answer them, and we can all go to bed, all right? What are you taking, son? Who are you getting it from?
- Jesse Walsh: I'm not taking drugs. Mom, I want to go to bed.
- [Jesse walks to his sister Angela's bedroom after hearing Freddy's voice tell him to kill]
- Angela Walsh: [Jesse opens the door to see Angela in a dress jump roping, singing] One, Two / Freddy's coming for you / Three, Four / Better lock your door / Five, Six / Grab your crucifix
- [Lisa takes Jesse to the burned down power plant that Freddy Krueger used to work at]
- Lisa Webber: Freddy Krueger kidnapped 20 kids and brought them here... and killed them.
- [Jesse looks around the burned down building]
- Lisa Webber: Do you feel anything?
- Jesse Walsh: What do you mean?
- Lisa Webber: I don't know. I thought you might be able to make a connection or something.
- Jesse Walsh: I feel like a jerk.
- [Kerry looks back at Jesse and asks Lisa in the cafeteria line]
- Kerry: Hey, what's wrong with Jesse? He seems kinda freaked out.
- [Lisa tries to talk to Jesse around the school cafeteria table]
- Lisa Webber: I wish you would talk to me. You know, we can figure it out. We can figure it out together.
- Jesse Walsh: There is nothing to figure out.
- Ron Grady: [butts in with a full mouth of food] I don't know why you're wasting your time with this guy. He's a basket case.
- Jesse Walsh: Shut up, Grady!
- Ron Grady: You want me to shut up? Fine! I'll shut up. No problem!
- [storms off]
- Lisa Webber: I don't know, Kerry. I feel like I should go see him, but I can't just leave the party.
- Kerry: [scoffs] Fuck the party. Go see him.
- Lisa Webber: [smiles before kissing Kerry's cheek] Yeah.
- Lisa Webber: Jesse. Come on, I just want you to listen to this. It's something Nancy said in the last page of her diary. Listen: "He is evil itself. I know now that I brought him into my world. We all did. Gave him all the energy he needed. Our screams were all he needed."
- [Lisa tries to set Jesse free from Freddy with her love for Jesse]
- Freddy Krueger: Come back to me, Lisa.
- Lisa Webber: I am not afraid of you.
- [Freddy laughs]
- Lisa Webber: He's in there, and I want him back! I'm going to take him away from you, and you are gonna go straight back to hell, you son of a bitch!
- Freddy Krueger: No, Jesse's dead.
- Lisa Webber: Come back to me, Jesse. I love you. Come back to me.
- Freddy Krueger: He's dead!
- Lisa Webber: He can't hold you, Jesse. He's losing his grip. You can get out.
- Freddy Krueger: [weakens to his knees] He'll die with me. He'll die with both of us.
- [Lisa leans in to kiss Freddy]
- Mr. Webber: [after missing with his shotgun, Freddy turns to him with large, enraged crimson eyes] Oh, shit!
- Ken Walsh: [DELETED SCENE: Ken is convinced that Jesse is gay, besides being on drugs; he demands that his son get out of the house, and stay out] ... A junkie can go into rehab and get clean. But a queer's gotta bear *his* disease, for life. Still, that doesn't mean his family has to bear it also. You take your things and split, mister. And I mean yesterday, if not sooner.
- Jesse Walsh: [dripping sarcasm] After all your badgering me to unpack, now I'm hearing *this*?
- Ken Walsh: [furious, to his wife] Cheryl, bring my gun. Now.
- [to Jesse]
- Ken Walsh: Just get what you can carry; then go to hell, where your kind belongs, and stay there.
- [Jesse bites his thumb at his father and walks out empty-handed. Ken turns to his daughter]
- Ken Walsh: Young lady, I want you to clean out that other bedroom, because I'm putting it up for rent. Then I want you to bring me every picture we have that... that *he's" in, so I can destroy them or blot his face out of them.
- Angela Walsh: Are you really gonna shoot my brother, if he comes back?
- [Ken viciously backhands her upside the head]
- Ken Walsh: As of this second, missy, you *have* no brother. You're never to mention his name in this house again. And if you don't like it, so help me, I'll break your nose like a goddamned egg.