Sally Field credited as playing...
- Murphy: I'm in love for the last time in my life.
- Emma: I'm in love for the first time in my life.
- [about his birthday cake]
- Emma: Okay, what is it? How old are you, Murphy?
- Murphy: Just set the damn thing on fire!
- Emma: [at the hospital, looking at the babies in the maternity ward] Any of them yours?
- Murphy: I told you, I go out of town.
- Emma: Stay to supper, Murphy?
- Murphy: I won't do that unless I'm still here at breakfast.
- Emma: How do you like your eggs?
- Emma: [after being turned down for a loan by the bank] I'd go out on the streets, but you've only got one.
- Emma: [to Jake, after telling him she's going to ask Bobby Jack to leave] You sure have had a short childhood.
- Emma: Don't you know you can't fight City Hall?
- Murphy: You can wrestle 'em!
- Emma: Well, you got a fine horse. Where are you going to keep him?
- Murphy: With you.
- [he walks on as Emma stops in her tracks]
- Emma: Oh.
- Murphy: It might be the ball cock.
- Emma: Most problems start there.
- Bobby Jack Moriarty: I just ain't had enough good times yet.
- Emma: Well, the party's over, my friend. Someone just handed you the check.
- Murphy: I was a little surprised to find a woman in love with me.
- Emma: Why? Don't you like yourself?
- Murphy: Yes, I do. I just didn't expect it to be contagious.
- Emma: You mean to tell me if there were a fly on these pants instead of a zipper, I'd get the loan?
- Murphy: Separate the men from the boys, Emma. I show some wear, I don't deny it. The fruit hangs on the tree long enough, it gets ripe. I'm durable, I'm steady and I'm faithful. And I'm in love for the last time in my life.
- Emma: I'm in love for the first time in my life.
- Emma: I have an uncle in Dallas, who would call you a bleeding-heart liberal.
- Murphy: Lady, I don't give a diddly-shit what they call me. And I don't know if the organ is bleeding or not... but according to my EKG I've got one.
- Emma: I'm 33 years old and I'm living like a nun.
- Emma: Bobby Jack, why were you never as good on your feet as you were in bed.
- Emma: Some of us aren't in the market. Some of us are just in the soup.