The Black Cauldron (1985)
Phil Fondacaro: Creeper, Henchman
[as the army of the dead collapses]
The Horned King : This had better not be your fault!
[grabs Creeper by the neck]
Creeper : Perhaps it just needs another body, Sire.
The Horned King : Yes. *Yours*!
[approaching Taran with fury]
The Horned King : You've interfered for the last time!
Creeper : Ha ha! Go for his throat, sire!
The Horned King : [shouting] NOW, PIG KEEPER, YOU SHALL DIE!
Creeper : Oh, I'm sorry. I've ignored you. You did come for the Black Cauldron, didn't you? Good. Then climb in! It will only cost you your life.
Creeper : I did it, sire! I captured the boy.
The Horned King : But you let the pig get away, didn't you?
Creeper : I-It wasn't my fault.
[Horned King strangles Creeper]
The Horned King : Throw the boy in the dungeon!
The Horned King : You bring news of the pig?
Creeper : N-n-not exactly, sire. It's the pig keeper. He-he-he's... escaped.
[the Horned King summons Creeper forward]
Creeper : Oh, no! Allow me, sire.
[Strangles himself]
Creeper : Isn't that enough, sire?