Ronee Blakley credited as playing...
Marge Thompson
- Nancy Thompson: Mother! What's with the bars?
- Marge Thompson: Security.
- Nancy Thompson: Security? Security from what?
- Marge Thompson: Not from what - from whom. Come down to the cellar. You wanna know who Fred Krueger was? He was a filthy child murderer who killed at least 20 kids in the neighborhood... kids we all knew.
- Nancy Thompson: Oh, Mom.
- Marge Thompson: It drove us crazy when we didn't know who it was, but it was even worse after they caught him.
- Nancy Thompson: Did they put him away?
- Marge Thompson: Well, all the lawyers got fat and the judge got famous, but someone forgot to sign the search warrant in the right place and Krueger was free just like that.
- Nancy Thompson: What did you do?
- Marge Thompson: A bunch of us parents got together and tracked him down. We found him in old abandoned boiler room, where he used to take his kids.
- Nancy Thompson: Go on.
- Marge Thompson: We took gasoline and poured it all around the place and made a trail of it out the door. We lit the whole thing up and watched it burn. He's dead now. He's dead because Mommy killed him.
- [reveals Freddy's glove]
- Marge Thompson: I even took his knives.
- [Marge touches Nancy on her knee]
- Nancy Thompson: You can sleep.
- Marge Thompson: Nancy?
- Nancy Thompson: What, Mother?
- Marge Thompson: Don't fall asleep in there. You could drown, you know.
- Nancy Thompson: Oh, for Pete's sakes.
- Marge Thompson: It happens all the time. I've heated up some warm milk for you, honey.
- Nancy Thompson: Warm milk? Gross.
- Dr. King: [at the sleep clinic, referring to the monitor's brainwave display] A nightmare now would be plus or minus five or six. She's about three.
- Marge Thompson: [Nancy begins twitching; Freddy's knives are heard] Doctor, what's she doing now? Is she asleep or awake?
- [the monitor's number quickly increases to 30]
- Dr. King: Something's wrong. It never gets this high.
- Lt. Thompson: [about Nancy] What was she doing there?
- Marge Thompson: Hello to you, too, Donald.
- Lt. Thompson: [returning greeting sarcastically] Marge.
- Nancy Thompson: The killer's still loose, you know.
- Lt. Thompson: You're saying somebody else killed Tina? Who?
- Nancy Thompson: I don't know who he is, but he's burned and he wears a weird hat and a red and green sweater, really dirty. And he uses these knives, like giant fingernails...
- Lt. Thompson: [cuts her off and guides her into the car, to Marge] You better keep her home for a few days, until she really gets over the shock of this.
- Marge Thompson: I've got something better. I'm going to get her some help.
- Marge Thompson: [to Nancy] Oh, I feel like a million bucks. They say you've bottomed out when you can't remember the night before.
- Nancy Thompson: What I learned in the dream clinic. That's what I'm trying to prove, Mother. Rod didn't kill Tina and he didn't hang himself. There's this guy; he's after us in our dreams.
- Marge Thompson: But that's just not reality, Nancy.
- Nancy Thompson: [pulling Krueger's hat out of a drawer] It's real, Momma. Feel it.
- Marge Thompson: Give me that damn thing!
- Nancy Thompson: It even has his name written in it. Fred Krueger, Mom. Fred Krueger.
- [realizing her mother knows about him]
- Nancy Thompson: Do you know who that is, Mother? Because if you do you better tell me 'cause he's after me now.