217 of 446 found this moderate
A woman's breasts are seen as she is taking off her shirt for about 10 seconds.
281 of 311 found this severe
Although there is gore, the effects are goofy, over-the-top, and even dated by current standards.
In one scene, a character gouges out another character's eyeballs with his thumbs.
Very violent and gory.
There are several instances of possessed being picking up and throwing other characters at objects or otherwise hitting them and abusing them.
A possessed woman stabs another woman in the ankle with a pencil, and thick blood oozes out of the wound as she screams in pain.
A man forces a woman into a cellar and hits her in the face with the handle of an axe to knock her out.
A possessed woman scratches the side of a man's face with her fingernail, blood pours out of the wound.
A possessed woman falls into a lit fireplace and her face is smoldering and bleeding when she gets out.
A woman bites off her own hand, you see blood gush while she is chewing and you hear crunching of the bone while a man watches in horror. When she is finished she screams in pain and blood squirts and spews from the bloody stump.
A possessed woman slashes a man with a voodoo knife and licks the blood off of it.
179 of 235 found this mild
Some uses of "Shit"
No f words
Several uses of "Jesus Christ"
Only one use of "Bastard"
One use of "Oh, god", "Oh my god" and three uses of "For god's sake"
170 of 225 found this mild
Some characters smoke and drink wine.
205 of 265 found this severe
Although alot of the effects are dated, The Evil Dead is still EXTREMELY bloody and graphic.
Although very gory, the film has a lot of black comedy and it is also unintentionally funny sometimes
This movie has a very dark aesthetic, and the camera's work can be disturbing for some viewers