1 of 3 found this mild
There is a nude woman in a jail cell (shirt off) when Teresa is shown around the jail.
Some hugging, rubbing necks, laying down on chests etc is in this movie.
1 of 2 found this moderate
It contained some actions (climbing to a "no trust passing" place etc.) that may be inappropriate to younger children for bad actions.
Kirk grab and forceful drag Sherman to his car.
There is fighting happen when the Sherman put the Kirk's hat on his head. Kirk, later, pulled a gun out at Sherman.
Danny slap his dad onto a wall, then Danny dad push him/grab him at the wall.
Yelling happen when Charlie Banks mess up Kirk's car. A little fighting is happening.
Charlie Banks shot a bird. His gun is shown as well.
Gun shots are heard when Lieutenant Steadman left the diner. Steadman has a shot on this chest with blood pouring out.
Billboard have a picture of Banks got shot in the back.
Kirk knocked Sherman hat off angry.
Sherman is fixing/cleaning his gun (gun is shown).
1 of 2 found this mild
"Hell" is used.
1 of 1 found this moderate
Kirk stated to Teresa "you want a drank or smoke". Teresa said no however.
Teresa admit that she is selling drugs.
Teresa and Kirk has beer in a glass. Kirk drinks the beer however.
Cocaine is used.
1 of 2 found this moderate