Rachel Ticotin credited as playing...
- Murphy: [Murphy and Isabella are playing the game of you-tell-me-about-me while on their first date. Murphy starts telling Isabella about herself] Poor family, you're the oldest. You've got a lot of brothers and sisters. You got a brother in the joint. Your mother's sick. You got a scholarship to nursing school and you did real good, but you can't get a job anywhere but here. How'm I doin'?
- Isabella: I don't know yet.
- Murphy: [continuing] Smoke a little reefer, fool around a little bit, you wanna get married but the selection in the neighborhood ain't that good.
- Isabella: Finished?
- Murphy: Yeah. Now you.
- Isabella: OK, you come from three generations of cops. Your grandfather and your father and your brothers are all cops. All your friends are cops. It's a good thing there are some lady cops or you wouldn't have any sex life.
- [Murphy rolls his eyes knowingly]
- Isabella: [continuing] You get drunk every night. You think all men are thieves and all women are sluts, and you don't trust anybody but your partner.
- Murphy: [nodding in agreement] It's my round.
- Isabella: [stops him] No, the drinks are on me.