Jack Lemmon credited as playing...
Victor Clooney
- Receptionist: Go sign the duplicate and come back after lunch.
- Clooney: I'm not having lunch.
- Receptionist: Well I am.
- Celia Clooney: Do you know a woman has 89 erogenous zones on her body.
- Clooney: [Counts up to 3 on fingers] . Who says that?
- Clooney: We've been together 12 years.
- Celia Clooney: 12 years - as long as that!
- Clooney: Well maybe they weren't great years but there were good weeks here and there.
- Clooney: What else did you tell him? That I cheat on crossword puzzles? I steal sugar in restaurants? That I wet my bed 'til I was eleven?
- Celia Clooney: No, Victor, believe me, I never mentioned that.
- Dr. Hugo Zuckerbrot: A bed-wetter... Aha! That explains everything!