The Archer: Fugitive from the Empire (1981 TV Movie)
Sharon Barr: Mandras - The Horse Chief
Rak : He's making sense, listen to him. Please, listen!
Mandras The Horse Chief : Why? He's no Brakus, no matter what his blood. Not even in his wildest dreams. Brakus was my enemy. But there was honor in fighting such an enemy, and even more honor in making him king! Now the honor is gone, and so Mandras is gone.
Mandras The Horse Chief : I like your story, Thoran. The part about the dead-eater gave me goose-flesh!
Thoran of Malveel : I'd thought you would have liked the romance best, sweet Mandras - my instant passion for the Earth-goddess!
Dar : It should remind her of her five frail husbands and eight scrapping daughters!