The Brady Brides premeired in 1981 after the success of the TV reunion film, "The Brady Girls Get Married".
IMHO, they simply should've just let this be a stand alone thing rather than make a TV series out of it.
As a TV reunion movie, it was funny, warm and entertaining. However, to see this made into a regular weekly TV series was another thing.
Each and every week, this series featured sisters Marcia and Jan (Maureen McCormick and Eve Plumb both reprising their respective roles from the original 1969-1974 TV series) both living under the same roof with their husbands. It featured them both getting on each other's nerves and comparing their own husbands with each other. It was the same old thing each and every week.
According to this site, this was THE only Brady Bunch spin-off to be taped before a live audience. However, I sometimes feel that they used a laugh tarck machine at certain intervals of the episodes when the audience really wasn't laughing.
Like its predecessor, "The Brady Bunch Hour", this should have had "Avoid at all costs" written all over it.
This spin-off of a really wonderful TV series is another one of THE worst ever. Despite the laughter, this series wasn't even that funny. It was simply a lethargic and pathetic excuse for a sit-com after the ratings success of a wonderful TV cast reunion movie. This series was truly "bottom of the barrel" in the worst possible way. It also doesn't even survive on a "So bad, it's good!" kind of level, which truly shows how bad and terrible this series was. This series was simply boring and uninspired. IMHO, it simply had no life within itself at all.
Again, IMHO, they should have left the TV reunion movie as a stand alone film, which means that they simply should've left well enough alone, rather than make this a weekly series.
After the TV movie, there were eight total episodes made, with the TV reunion split into two parts to make it ten.
Thank goodness for small favors that this series was cancelled as it was a ratings disaster.
Overall, one of THE worst spin-offs ever made for TV.