Sharon Taylor credited as playing...
Lois Fairchild
- [Lois and Finletter are speaking on adjacent hotel payphones to her editor and Dixon, respectively]
- Newspaper Editor: [picking up the ringing phone] Yeah.
- Lois Fairchild: Trouble, sir.
- Mason Dixon: [picking up the ringing phone] Hello.
- Wilbur Finletter: Trouble sir.
- Mason Dixon, Newspaper Editor: What?
- Lois Fairchild: I haven't seen Dixon all day. I've been following his assistant. That's getting me nowhere.
- Mason Dixon: Followed? By who?
- Newspaper Editor: Following who?
- Lois Fairchild: His assistant.
- Wilbur Finletter: A spy!
- Mason Dixon: A spy?
- Lois Fairchild: That's right.
- Mason Dixon, Newspaper Editor: What's he look like?
- Lois Fairchild: Medium height, medium build...
- Wilbur Finletter: It's a she, sir. You know, the strumpet last night. The one with the big...
- Lois Fairchild: ... guns and a sword.
- Wilbur Finletter: Long blonde...
- Lois Fairchild: ... parachute...
- Wilbur Finletter: ... sunglasses. Combat boots...
- Wilbur Finletter: ... and a dress.
- Mason Dixon: There's nothing suspicious about that.
- Newspaper Editor: You can't be serious.
- Lois Fairchild: What should I do?
- Newspaper Editor: Look. I thought I made it perfectly clear. I don't think you've made use of all your potential if you know what I mean.
- Mason Dixon: Look, you're obviously tired. Why don't you go take a nap.
- Wilbur Finletter: [incredulously] You mean go to bed?
- Lois Fairchild: [incredulously] I couldn't do *that*!
- Newspaper Editor: Why not? You're a woman.
- Wilbur Finletter: I resent that.
- Mason Dixon: I didn't say that you were incompetent. I just think you could use a rest.
- Lois Fairchild: [resigned] Yes, sir. But I... well. I'll do my best, sir.
- Mason Dixon: [hanging up after the sign-off] Goodbye.
- Newspaper Editor: [hanging up after the sign-off] Goodbye.
- Lois Fairchild: [hanging up after the sign-off] Goodbye.
- Wilbur Finletter: [pressing the hook switch a few times] Operator. Operator, I, uh... I've gotten a wrong number, I'd like my dime back.
- [at the other end of Finletter's call, the operator is speaking in angry muffled sounds]