Clint Eastwood credited as playing...
Harry Callahan
- [Callaghan learns he is being transferred to Personnel]
- Harry Callahan: Personnel? That's for assholes!
- Capt McKay: I was in Personnel for ten years.
- Harry Callahan: Yeah.
- Capt McKay: $14,379.
- Harry Callahan: How can that be?
- Capt McKay: You want an itemized account? You took out two front doors, one front window, 12 feet of counter, plus damages to the stock, plus one city vehicle totaled, not to mention three hostages in the hospital, all of whom will probably sue the city.
- Harry Callahan: For what?
- Capt McKay: Excessive use of force. For your information, Callahan, the minority community has just about had it with this kind of police work.
- Harry Callahan: By the "minority community", I suppose you're talking about the hoods.
- Mustapha: You really *are* a dirty bastard, ain't you, Harry?
- Harry Callahan: The dirtiest.
- Harry Callahan: Did you tell them about the meeting?
- Capt McKay: What meeting?
- Harry Callahan: The meeting right here in your office two months ago when you said high priority was to run these hoods out of San Francisco.
- Capt McKay: I never said to use violence.
- Harry Callahan: What did you want me to do, yell trick-or-treat at 'em?
- Harry Callahan: May I make a statement, McKay?
- Capt McKay: Go ahead!
- Harry Callahan: Your mouthwash ain't makin' it.
- Harry Callahan: I'll tell you what you are to me, little man. You're just a maggot who sells dirty pictures.
- Mustapha: Callahan, you're on the wrong side.
- Harry Callahan: How do you figure that?
- Mustapha: You go out and put your ass on the line for a bunch of dudes who'd no sooner let you in the front door than they would me.
- Harry Callahan: I'm not doin' it for them.
- Mustapha: Who then?
- Harry Callahan: You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
- Harry Callahan: [speaking to the mayor & Capt. McKay] If you're talking about the Mustapha bust, nobody smashed anything. In fact, I made a deal with Mustapha - he was gonna help me find out who the people were!
- The Mayor: [stunned] What's he talking about?
- Harry Callahan: Doesn't it bother anyone that no weapons were found?
- Capt McKay: We'll find them!
- Harry Callahan: [to McKay] Meanwhile, the people are still out there and they're going to blow the HELL out of half this city. And meanwhile, you're telling everybody how great we are!
- Capt McKay: All right, Callahan, button your lip, that's an order!
- Harry Callahan: Captain, if you want to jerk all these people off, you can, but don't do it with me.
- Capt McKay: That's it, Callahan! You just got yourself a 60-day suspension!
- Harry Callahan: [angrily] Make it 90!
- Capt McKay: 180! Give me your star.
- [Harry pulls out his badge and angrily hands it to Capt. McKay]
- Harry Callahan: [angrily] Here's a 7-point suppository, Captain!
- Capt McKay: [stunned] WHAT did you say?
- Harry Callahan: [angrily] I said STICK IT IN YOUR ASS!
- [Harry walks down the steps toward the mob of reporters, but does not stop. Kate Moore soon follows him out]
- Harry Callahan: Maxwell!
- [Maxwell fires at Callahan]
- Harry Callahan: You fuckin' fruit.
- [Callahan fires an M72 LAW rocket launcher, obliterating Maxwell]
- Lt. Dobbs: Are you finished with the questioning, Callahan?
- Harry Callahan: Hypothetical situation, huh? All right, I'm standing on the street corner, and Mrs. Grey there comes up and propositions me. She says if I come home with her, for $5 she'll put on an exhibition with a Shetland pony...
- Mrs. Grey: If this is your idea of humor, Inspector...
- Lt. Dobbs: All right, what are you trying to do here, Callahan?
- Harry Callahan: I'm just trying to find out if anybody in this room knows what the hell law is being broken, besides cruelty to animals.
- Kate Moore: That's a conspiracy under title 7, Section 182, Paragraph 1 of the California Penal Code. A conspiracy to commit a misdemeanor is in fact a felony, and according to People vs That's a conspiracy under title 7, Section 182, Paragraph 1 of the California Penal Code. A conspiracy to commit a misdemeanor is in fact a felony, and according to People vs Basso...
- Lt. Al Bressler: [on phone as Harry enters] Hey Harry, I'm just talking to...
- [Harry drops a defused bomb on Al's desk]
- Lt. Al Bressler: Jesus Christ!
- Harry Callahan: Give him my best...
- Lt. Al Bressler: [Harrys playing pool when Bressler and KcKay approach him about the case] No. We play as a team.
- Harry Callahan: As I remember, the last time we played as a team I got the cue stuck in my ass.
- Harry Callahan: I'm looking for Ed Mustapha.
- Abdul: You holding some kinda warrant, honky?
- Harry Callahan: What I'm holding is Henry Lee Caldwell.
- Abdul: [beat] Hey, well, I never heard of him. Now let's see how fast you and the lady fuzz can get your little white asses out of here!
- [about Kate Moore]
- Harry Callahan: She wants to play lumberjack, she's going to have to learn to handle her end of the log.
- Kate Moore: [arriving at Mustapha's barber shop headquarters] OK, I give up... what's this?
- Harry Callahan: This is the Fillmore chapter of the VFW... Very Few Whites.
- Harry Callahan: Where is he?
- Mustapha: He went white. Why, did he do something else foolish?
- Harry Callahan: [in bar late one night is playing billiards when Bressler and McKay enter]
- Lt. Al Bressler: Harry?
- Harry Callahan: What can I do for you?
- Lt. Al Bressler: We've got to talk.
- Harry Callahan: Go right ahead.
- Capt McKay: I want all the information that you have on this case, Callahan.
- Harry Callahan: You've got it - black militants, remember?
- Lt. Al Bressler: Come on, Harry, so we were wrong.
- Harry Callahan: [has Buchinski's head over toilet] Wanda, where is she?
- Buchinski: Go to hell.
- Harry Callahan: [takes nearby plunger and presses it on man's face] One more time. Wanda.
- Buchinski: All right, all right. She quit a couple of weeks ago, that's all I know.
- [Harry presses harder with the plunger]
- Buchinski: She got religion!
- Harry Callahan: What do you mean?
- Buchinski: She been hangin' around that little church down on Garvey.
- Harry Callahan: [jams plunger down, off camera. The toilet flushes. Harry departs]
- Harry Callahan: What about that punk?
- Lt. Al Bressler: You mean the suspect?
- Harry Callahan: Suspect my ass!
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