Shelley Duvall credited as playing...
- Bowie: Miss Keechie, do you know what the Mississippi state animal is?
- Keechie: What?
- Bowie: You know, the state animal.
- Keechie: I don't know. A deer, maybe?
- Bowie: No, sir! It's a squashed dog in the road!
- Keechie: I think it'll be a boy.
- Lady in Train Station: Can you tell?
- Keechie: Well I hope it is. But if it is, he sure will not be named after his dad, God rest his soul. He crossed me up once too often, lying. He didn't deserve to have no baby named after him.
- Keechie: Here's you some Picayunes. We're all out of Twenty Grands.
- T-Dub: Damn it. I haven't had a Twenty Grand in two years. I don't want a Picayune.
- Chicamaw: You smoke anything and you know it.
- Bowie: Keechie? You awake? You feel tired?
- Keechie: I don't know. Are you?
- Bowie: I don't know, either. Everybody always said you were supposed to be tired.
- Keechie: Well, we took a nap.
- Bowie: I don't feel tired.
- Keechie: Neither do I.
- Bowie: You wanna do it again?
- Keechie: You suppose we should?
- Bowie: You're not tired, are you?
- Keechie: No, but you're not supposed to do it too often.
- Bowie: I never heard about that. That part's okay. You sure you're not tired?
- Keechie: No, Bowie, I'm not tired.
- Bowie: Positive? I'm tired, Keechie.
- Keechie: Oh, you dirty...
- Bowie: You're a little soldier, Keechie. You're a little solider from your toenails right up to your hair. But you can't be getting mixed up with me.
- Keechie: I already am mixed up with you.
- Bowie: Chicamaw was telling me about that lawyer friend of his in Mexico. Hawkins. He didn't believe much in that heaven or hell stuff. Said the only way a man lived on was through his children.
- Keechie: Is that why you'd like to have children?
- Bowie: I never said nothing about having children.
- Keechie: [taking a bath] Stop peeking!
- Bowie: No. I won't quit peeking. I'll peek all I want to. - - Hairy little thing, aren't you?
- Keechie: You think I should shave?
- Bowie: No. I like it. Don't you ever shave.
- Keechie: Are you gonna wash your feet tonight?
- Bowie: Not tonight, honey. I washed them last night.