Val Avery credited as playing...
Artie Jessup
- Mark Halperin: We found Mrs. Caldwell's jewels here in your apartment.
- [Jessup snorts]
- Mark Halperin: They were right under your mattress!
- Artie Jessup: Hey man, I don't even live here!
- Columbo: That's true, sir, I can attest to that.
- [opens dresser drawers]
- Columbo: He doesn't live here, *I* live here. These are my shirts, this is my underwear,
- [takes out photographs]
- Columbo: *my* brother-in-law, *my* nephew and niece.
- Artie Jessup: I said a lot of things, Mr. Caldwell. One thing I forgot to tell ya is that, uh, I'm a chronic liar.