On several episodes, a Ford ambulance arrives at the scene, yet when it pulls up to Rampart, the ambulance is a Chevy.
During his recurring role, the character Officer Vince (played by Vince Howard) changed from being a sheriffs deputy with the Los Angeles County Sheriffs to a police officer of a generic police department. This happened after Jack Webb had an argument with the sheriffs department and Webb decided to change Vince to a generic police department.
There are a number of stock footage continuity errors. The major one is the differences in Squad 51, which was always a Dodge pickup, but several model years were used on the show. Most of the street scene footage that shows the Squad traveling was shot in Season 1, so an older model usually appears that doesn't always match the Squad that leaves the station or arrives at the scene. Another continuity issue is repetitive use of the same response footage episode to episode, so the same cars are always stopped at the same spot at a particular intersection. Similarly, when the squad only departs from a station in a later episode, the older Crown Fire Coach is shown remaining in the station rather than the current Ward LaFrance.
Frequently, the camera angle from inside the cab of Squad 51 (usually on the passenger side) shows a rear-view mirror prominently in the upper-left corner of the screen, even though the Squad 51 vehicle itself doesn't have a rear-view mirror.
Many times when the ambulance attendants respond to accident, fire, etc they are wearing black pants but on arrival at Rampart their pants are white.
Sometimes when the fire trucks and other vehicles are shown returning to the station and backing into the garage their overhead emergency lights are on. Emergency vehicles don't have their lights on when returning to base, only when responding to an emergency. The reason for this mistake is the scenes of the vehicles backing into the station is often reused footage of them leaving the station, just played in reverse. This was one of the many cost cutting measures done to stretch their budget, by reusing a scene as many times as possible it saves both money and time, which is why the footage of emergency vehicles leaving the station and traveling through the city used throughout the series is all reused footage from season one.
Because the exterior shots of the station were from an active working LACoFD station(127), Truck 127 was parked off to the side of the station during filming, and during several of the response clips you can see parts of the actual truck to the right of the building.
A few times throughout the series, the alarm goes off at the station. Mike Stoker is seen going to the map, finding the location, nodding, and then hurrying to the truck. However, he does all of this before the dispatcher has given the address.
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