When one of her parolees is killed in prison, "Sandra Parker" (Lois Nettleton) decides to investigate by going into the prison disguised as a convict under the name of "Sally Porter". The only person who knows of her ruse is her fellow parole officer "Helen Anderson" (Penny Fuller). Unfortunately, Helen is killed in the line of duty and nobody else is aware of Sandra's plan. So now she has to contend with a sadistic chief matron named "Claire Tyson" (Ida Lupino) who has developed an intense dislike for her. To help the chief matron are two informants named "Dee Dee" (Jessica Walter) and "Leila" (Barbara Luna). Anyway, rather than divulge what happens next I will just say that this was very suspenseful for a made-for-television movie. Naturally, there is no nudity or graphic language due to the restrictive format. However, the acting and the storyline were both top-notch and everything seems to flow together quite well. Definitely worth a watch.