- Narrator: [voice-over] Nothing from that first day I saw her and no one that has happened to me since, has ever been as frightening and as confusing. For no person I've ever known has ever done more to make me feel more sure, more insecure, more important and less significant.
- [last lines]
- Narrator: [voice-over] I was never to see her again. Nor was I ever to learn what became of her. We were different then. Kids were different. It took us longer to understand the things we felt. Life is made up of small comings and goings. And for everything we take with us, there is something that we leave behind. In the summer of '42, we raided the Coast Guard station four times, we saw five movies, and had nine days of rain. Benji broke his watch, Oscy gave up the harmonica, and in a very special way, I lost Hermie forever.
- Dorothy: [in a letter] Dear Hermie: I must go home now. I'm sure you'll understand. There's much I have to do. I won't try and explain what happened last night because I know that, in time, you'll find a proper way in which to remember it. What I will do is remember you. And I pray that you be spared all senseless tragedies. I wish you good things, Hermie. Only good things. Always, Dorothy.
- [the three boys are gawking at a medical journal about sex]
- Oscy: Now listen! Before I saw these pictures, I didn't think it was possible, either. But these are pictures, Benjie, pictures! These aren't drawings! I've seen those drawings! These are pictures!
- [first lines]
- Narrator: [voice-over] When I was 15 and my family came to the island for the summer, there weren't as many houses or people as they are now. The geography of the island and the singularity of the sea were far more noticeable then. And if a guy wasn't to die of loneliness, this family made certain that other families from his neighborhood contributed other kids to the island. Present with me in the summer of '42 were Oscy, my best friend. And Benji, my next best friend. We called ourselves the "terrible trio".
- Oscy: Foreplay! It's called foreplay! Everyone takes off their clothes and they play foreplay. Then he does this. And she does this. And he does this! And before you know it, they're screwin'! Now, what could be simpler than that!
- Oscy: You use protection. You use a rubber! Haven't you ever heard of a rubber?
- Hermie: Yeah, of course, I have.
- Oscy: Alright! So, that's what you use. I already have mine. When my brother went into service, he willed it to me. I've been carrying it around with me ever since. Its my lucky charm.
- Hermie: Well, how much do you want for it?
- Oscy: Hey, its from my brother! It's a family heirloom. You have to get your own. Go to the drug store.
- Hermie: Benjie, if you just look at the pictures it does look dumb. But, if two people are in love, it's supposed to be very pleasant.
- Benjie: Oh, how do you know? You've never done it!
- Hermie: It's right here in the book! In black and white and color. That's why people kiss first. It gives them a chance to get to know each other. Then, once they get to know each other, they fall in love. And once they're in love, they make love.
- Oscy: Listen, tomorrow morning you'll thank me. So, tonight, I'll bring the marshmallows and you bring a rubber.
- Oscy: Go away, Benjie.
- Benjie: It's my book.
- Hermie: Let him look.
- Oscy: There! They're doin' it!
- Benjie: I don't believe it.
- Oscy: Well, you better believe it! 'Cause one day your turns gonna come and you better know what to do.
- Benjie: I don't believe it. My mother and father never did that! Never!
- Oscy: Why not?
- Benjie: Because it's stupid!
- Hermie: No, I hate to break the news to you, Benjie, but that's the way its done.
- Oscy: Boy, I'd like to feel every one of those girls! You know, I should've tripped on 'em. They'd never know I was getting a feel.
- Oscy: How'd you make out?
- Hermie: Pretty good.
- Oscy: What'd you do?
- Hermie: I held her breasts.
- Oscy: You didn't!
- Hermie: For almost 11 minutes.
- Oscy: Fantastic!
- Hermie: Eleven full minutes!
- Oscy: You timed it!
- Hermie: Yeah. The longest I ever got was 8 minutes with Lila Harrison.
- Oscy: So, you broke your record!
- Hermie: By 3 minutes!