- Carl Kolchak: [voiceover] Sherman Duffy of the New York Herald once said, "A newspaperman is the loneliest guy on earth. Socially he ranks somewhere between a hooker and a bartender. Spritually he stands with Galileo, because he knows the world is round."
- [Sarcastically]
- Carl Kolchak: Not that it matters much, when his editor knows its flat.
- [about his vampire story]
- Carl Kolchak: Judge for yourself its believability and then try to tell yourself, wherever you may be, it couldn't happen here.
- Carl Kolchak: Rumor has it that the day Anthony Albert Vincenzo was born, his father left town. The story may be apocryphal, but I believe it. The only point I wonder about is why his mother didn't leave too.
- Carl Kolchak: [singing] I'll take Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island, too. Watch out you great big wonderful Big Apple, Kolchak's coming back. Yeah!
- Carl Kolchak: [picking up phone] Kolchak.
- Dr. John O'Brien: Hi, Carl. I just thought you'd like to know I heard the Parkway Hospital was knocked over.
- Carl Kolchak: Yeah? Knocked over for what? Cash, drugs, equipment, what?
- [shocked reaction to the response]
- Carl Kolchak: Blood?
- Dr. John O'Brien: That's right. Every container in the place. Their entire stock.
- Carl Kolchak: What about blood type?
- Dr. John O'Brien: Seems blood type and Rh factor didn't much matter
- Carl Kolchak: So think about it and try to tell yourself wherever you may be in the quiet of your home, in the safety of your bed, try to tell yourself, It couldn't happen here.
- Gail Foster: [is woken by Carl] Ohhhh, I'm sorry. I guess I fell asleep.
- Carl Kolchak: Yes.
- Gail Foster: What were you saying?
- Carl Kolchak: You do great things for my masculine ego, you know?
- Gail Foster: Yeah.
- Carl Kolchak: Actually, I was saying that I think Vincenzo has the news sense of a tree stump.
- [starts getting excited]
- Carl Kolchak: It's got to be one man. It's got to be. Big, strong, psychotic.
- Gail Foster: You're certainly making me very glad that I work nights.
- Carl Kolchak: Well, I told you to quit working nights, didn't I?
- [They start to kiss when the phone rings. Kolchak sighs and relutantly answers it]
- Carl Kolchak: . Kolchak.
- [His face lights up as he listens to the person on the other end of the line]
- Carl Kolchak: I am forever in your debt, love.
- [He hangs up the phone and starts to get dressed quickly]
- Gail Foster: What was that?
- Carl Kolchak: The killer's done it again.
- Gail Foster: [Horrified] Oh, no.
- Carl Kolchak: Only this time, he was seen.
- Bernie Jenks: Subject Janos Skorzeny: born in Romania in 1899.
- Sheriff Warren A. Butcher: You mean to tell me this guy is over 70 years old? Come on, Bernie. Your boys have come up with the wrong man!
- Carl Kolchak: Chapter One: This is the story behind one of the greatest manhunts in history. Maybe you read about it or rather what they let you read about it.
- District Attorney Tom Paine: [after a disastrously failed capture attempt of Skorzeny] Well, what are we gonna do?
- Carl Kolchak: [from the back of the room] *Now* are you willing to listen to my insane ideas?
- Sheriff Warren A. Butcher: [angrily] Kolchak, get out of here!
- District Attorney Tom Paine: Warren, hold it, hold it! Kolchak, you were there, weren't you?
- Carl Kolchak: Yes.
- District Attorney Tom Paine: Every man we've questioned insists not only that Skorzeny was possessed of incredible strength, but that he was shot more than once during the capture attempt.
- Carl Kolchak: [sarcastically] Oh, I'd say thirty or forty times.
- Police Chief Ed Masterson: I'm sorry, I'm not buying that.
- Carl Kolchak: Captain, you have two choices. Either he was shot, or your entire police department is blind.
- District Attorney Tom Paine: [sees Masterson getting angry] Ed, let's admit it. We had the man, had him cornered, and we couldn't hold him. Let Kolchak have his say.
- Dr. Robert Makurji: [referring to Kolchak's theory about the murders] Mr. Paine, I shouldn't be so inclined to reject Mr. Kolchak's theory out of hand if I were you. It is at best highly speculative, but not altogether unwarranted.
- Carl Kolchak: [sarcastically, when Vincenzo criticizes his story] How about a special featurette, with a border of roses? An interview with the two girl victims, in Heaven, with a cellestial choir in the background.