21 में से 11 यह मध्यम पाया गया
A man chases a woman briefly asking her to give him some "honey", she runs away and her breasts flash briefly under her open shirt.
Briefly see Bronson butt cheeks as he runs around in a loincloth.
Several men gang rape a Native American woman (most of the assault is offscreen). Brief shots of full frontal nudity are shown. After they are done, they carry her out of the shack, naked, and tie her up to use her as human bait.
12 में से 9 यह मध्यम पाया गया
A man is shot in a gunfight. No blood.
A man is punished by being hit with a leather strap several times. Minor.
Many horses are shot or suffer serious injuries (such as falling down a hill). Many of these horse stunts appear to be partially unsimulated (ie a horse is tripped such that it falls very hard down a rocky hillside, severe trips that pull the horse's head sharply to the ground, and so on).
A horse is seen gutted and partially butchered after it dies of its injuries and is eaten by the posse.
A man is attacked, and his genital area is burned (offscreen). Not graphic, but visible.
A Native American is shot, then hanged upside down and burned to death. He does not move, but his burning body is again shot to "put him out of his misery" - underlying the fact he was still alive while burned.
Many bloody shootings. Men yell in pain but blood is minor.
A man is bitten by a rattlesnake and shown writhing in pain. The same man is shot in the hand and we clearly see the bullet hole on it.
11 में से 6 यह मध्यम पाया गया
'Nigger' is said.
'Half-breed' and 'breed' are used as racist insults.
'Damn' is said several times.
'Bastard' is said.
'Hell' is said several times.
'Bitch' is said.
'Ass' is said at least twice.
Religious exclamations several times, including 'God'.
11 में से 9 यह हल्का पाया गया
We see a bar where people are drinking and a man smokes a cigarette.
Smoking cigars.
Drinking whiskey and beer.
11 में से 6 यह मध्यम पाया गया
The many on-screen deaths, many of which are very sudden, can be difficult for some viewers.
The many racists comments are disturbing.
Most of the film focuses on people hunting down other people.
A disturbing scene of murder and rape.
Instense volence.