- Helmuth Von Ornstein: You'll sleep with anyone, won't you?
- Konrad Ludwig: Well....yes... but I do have my preferences!
- Lotte Von Ornstein: The dogs approve of you. They only approve of murderers and perverts. Which one are you?
- Konrad Ludwig: Both!
- Lotte Von Ornstein: I knew it.
- Princess Palamir: What a lovely party, countess. One hopes you are not over-extending yourself.
- Countess Herthe von Ornstein: [walking away] Silly old bitch!
- Countess Herthe von Ornstein: Pour me a drink. A tremendous drink. Straight! and pour yourself one. You have earned it...
- [Konrad hands her a drink]
- Countess Herthe von Ornstein: To money! without money, there is nothing!