The Wild Bunch (1969)
Emilio Fernández: Mapache
Dutch Engstrom : [Dutch and Angel are delivering the last load of rifles to Mapache] In the ravine south of here, you'll find the rest of the rifles in the wagon. You can have the wagon, we'll take the horses.
Maj. Zamorra : How many cases of rifles did you take from the train?
Dutch Engstrom : Sixteen cases of rifles. We lost one on the trail
Gen. Mapache : [Chuckling and indicating Angel] He stole it. The mother of the girl he killed told me so.
Dutch Engstrom : [Angel tries to escape but is caught and brought back before Mapache] Well, I'm wasting time here, adios.
Gen. Mapache : Y Angel?
Dutch Engstrom : [Looking around at the Mexican soldiers] He's a thief; you take care of him.
Gen. Mapache : Bueno; adios gringo.