David McCallum credited as playing...
Sol Madrid
- Sol Madrid: Okay, get up and get dressed.
- Stacey Woodward: What for?
- Sol Madrid: We're going to Mexico.
- Stacey Woodward: It's the middle of the night!
- Sol Madrid: What's the matter? Aren't these your regular working hours?
- Stacey Woodward: [They're staying in a nice hotel room in Acapulco] Well, I'll say one thing for you: the government sure treats you right. If the suckers ever guessed where their taxes were going, they'd start a revolution.
- Sol Madrid: You have to be kidding. You don't think I could afford this place on the allowance they're giving me?
- Stacey Woodward: What does that mean?
- Sol Madrid: It means *you're* paying.
- Stacey Woodward: Now *you've* got to be kidding!
- Sol Madrid: We might as well live it up a little while we're young.
- Stacey Woodward: Well, if I'm paying, you know what that makes you!
- Emil Dietrich: Who was it who said, "Once you break bread with a man, you can never break your word."?
- Sol Madrid: Well, I don't know who it was, but I'd like to have had lunch with him.
- Sol Madrid: I know that for the past six months you haven't moved a quarter's worth of goods north...
- Emil Dietrich: But I manage to maintain myself comfortably, wouldn't you say?
- Sol Madrid: Well, maintenance isn't growth.
- Emil Dietrich: A half million in heroin... 28 kilos. How would you manage to get it across the border?
- Sol Madrid: That's my problem. You're perfectly welcome to come along and watch me do it, if you're willing to risk 20 years in an American or a Mexican prison.
- Emil Dietrich: No one is *that* curious. But I am interested: how would you manage it?
- Sol Madrid: I'm sorry: my method, my neck, my money.
- Emil Dietrich: And my heroin.
- Sol Madrid: And *your* profit.
- Stacey Woodward: What the hell do you mean by playing with my money?
- Sol Madrid: What do you mean *your* money? You mean to tell me that was severance pay you got from Dano Villanova? Anyway, you'll get it back later.
- Stacey Woodward: You're changing the damn rules as you go along!
- Sol Madrid: You have a hell of a nerve to talk about rules. Since when did you live by rules?
- Stacey Woodward: [Indignantly] Don't preach at me.
- Sol Madrid: Why? Who are you? You're a two-bit tramp named Evelyn Pulaski, that lives on money that a hood named Dano Villanova jacks out of pushers, junkies and hopheads. Are you gonna' tell me that you didn't know that he hooked 50,000 people on junk just to pay your hotel bills?
- Stacey Woodward: I never asked where he got his money! You think any woman asks her man, "Honey, did you make your money honorably and decently, because otherwise I'm not gonna' live off of it?"
- Sol Madrid: An honest woman wouldn't even have to ask!
- Emil Dietrich: And yet, I have the feeling that no matter what we got to know about you, it would not allay this sense of uneasiness I have. You're one of those men who seem to have been born without a father or mother or brothers or sisters or aunts or friends or wives, a kind of a... a "biological sport," if you will. Such men are hard to pin down, harder to find... and even harder to kill if they should need killing.
- Sol Madrid: You think I'll need it?
- Emil Dietrich: Oh well, if you should, you can absolutely rely on me to have it done!
- Sol Madrid: [Both laugh] That's very comforting.
- Jalisco: You know, you don't take time to live, amigo. You're a young man. These are precious years. Don't waste them... Don't waste them.
- Sol Madrid: You're one to talk. You can't be getting much fun out of this job of yours.
- Jalisco: Nah, this job has one great advantage: undercover work gets me extra pay. And there's a good retirement plan.
- Sol Madrid: Some hood's liable to retire you any minute.
- Jalisco: You know what I'm going to do when I retire? In five years, mind you... just five years... I am going to take my wife, my children, down to Puerto Vallarta and live on the beach. The simple things in life, amigo, are the most beautiful... the most important.
- Sol Madrid: [Last lines] Listen... I came to tell you I'm sorry that things worked out the way they did. I never meant for you to become that involved.
- Stacey Woodward: You got what you wanted. And that's all that really counts, isn't it?
- Sol Madrid: Yeah. I guess so.
- [Turns and walks away]
- Sol Madrid: Why don't you get somebody on the coast to handle it?
- Chief Danvers: Because I want an Interpol man, a cop - and you look less like a cop than anyone else in the Bureau.
- Sol Madrid: How far can I go to get him?
- Chief Danvers: Alive, as far as you have to. But, at least on this assignment, you won't be a junkie.
- Emil Dietrich: I know who you are. You and your wife arrived in Acapulco an hour ago. Correct?
- Sol Madrid: Correct. Except, the young lady isn't my wife.
- Emil Dietrich: Oh? Well, my congratulations - and apologies.
- Emil Dietrich: You imply that what he is about - is a fact. Well, facts, Mr. Madrid, are one thing and conjectures are quite another. Don't you agree?
- Sol Madrid: Would you like some facts?
- Emil Dietrich: Do you have any?
- Stacey Woodward: What are you? Some kind of gold-plated hero? You're using me just as much as Villanova ever did. I never knew a man yet who didn't use me or *want* to. And I'm through with it. I've had it! I ran away from Dano because I was sick of it. And now, you're not going to pick up where he left off. You don't care what happens to me, do you?
- Sol Madrid: As long as I need you, I care.
- Stacey Woodward: And right now you need me.
- Sol Madrid: Right now I need you.
- Emil Dietrich: I seem to be in the company of very generous people. Mr. Mitchell takes the money from Villanova, gives half of it to Miss Woodward, who, in turn, gives it all to you, Mr. Madrid. Very generous people, in deed. And I suppose that you now take this smallish nest egg in order to begin a life where Dano Villanova can't find you. Isn't that so?
- Sol Madrid: As you say, it's a "smallish" nest egg. I would be happier staying on one and half million dollars.
- Emil Dietrich: Who wouldn't? Have you any ideas how to improve your investment?
- Sol Madrid: Heroin.
- Emil Dietrich: Ah, the stuff that dreams are made of.
- Sol Madrid: I don't shoot it, I buy it.
- Emil Dietrich: And I presume you know where to sell it.
- Stacey Woodward: Would you please tell me what's going on?
- Sol Madrid: Why don't you just relax and watch the scenery.
- Stacey Woodward: Can't you ever be nice?
- Sol Madrid: No.
- Stacey Woodward: [whispers] Why not?
- Sol Madrid: Why don't you get some sleep.
- Stacey Woodward: You didn't answer me.
- Sol Madrid: Well, how can I answer you? I don't want to use you any more than I have to.
- Stacey Woodward: There, you see. That's the first nice thing you've ever said to me.
- [shirtless Sol, leans down to Stacey who is laying in bed and gives her a kiss]
- Emil Dietrich: I was thinking that perhaps Miss Woodward would enjoy the hospitality of my home while you were gone.
- Sol Madrid: As a hostage?
- Emil Dietrich: No, no, no, no, no. As a guest, of course.
- Sol Madrid: Well, if that's a condition, the whole deal is off.
- Emil Dietrich: Well, I merely offered it as a suggestion.
- Sol Madrid: Well, let me offer you a suggestion: forget it.
- Stacey Woodward: I'm leaving!
- Sol Madrid: Listen, you stick that silly face of your's outside this hotel and we are both in trouble.
- Stacey Woodward: Fine! You're the cop. You worry about it.
- Sol Madrid: It can't fail! We've got Dietrich. I know we've got him! He's reaching out like a greedy kid. All we have to do is dangle that bait in front of him and he'll *jump* at it. You'll get Dietrich and I'll get Mitchell. I guarantee it.