Martin Luther King credited as playing...
- Vilgot Sjöman: Do you have to have a religious belief to take part in a non-violent movement?
- Martin Luther King: No, not necessarily.
- Vilgot Sjöman: If you find that a person cannot stand being attacked, what do you do with him? Do you speak to him and explain to him that he cannot be with you any longer?
- Martin Luther King: Well, we always discourage those who cannot be subjected to attack - the one who would retaliate with violence - not to participate in a demonstration. The rules are very rigid in a non-violent movement and we feel that a person who can't take it - a person who cannot submit himself to violence if it comes to him and who would retaliate with violence - should not at all participate and so we discourage that person completely.
- Anna Lena Lisabet Nyman: I like him. He talks about better things than Palme.