When the snake attacks Michael and his family, the characters are surrounded by the dead of night, but the stock footage of the snake was obviously filmed in broad daylight.
During the search for Debbie, the scarf on Margaret's head disappears and reappears several times.
The area is supposed to be abandoned, but when the family first talks to Torgo, a car drives by in the background.
When The Master is waving Torgo's stick at him, he waves it slowly side-to-side from Torgo's point of view. Seen from behind, he jerks it around quickly.
Who tied the leash of the Master's dog to his resting place? After Debbie turns up with the dog, the family goes back into the house without the animal, then they investigate the place Debbie had found it, and it's suddenly there, tied to a leash.
The female teenager in the car misses her cue, looks directly into the camera, then delivers her line.
At the beginning, when the family pulls over, Mike says his line, then mouths the word "Cut!"
When the Master sets Torgo's hand ablaze, the can of lighter fluid used for the effect can be seen sitting by a pillar.
When the Master breaks up the wives' fight, rolled-up jeans are visible when he lifts his cloak.
The zipper on The Master's back is clearly visible throughout the movie.
When the cop slams his car door to have a talk with the teens in the car, the sound effect is delayed.
When the wives are sitting in a circle arguing with each other, you can hear the chatter is actually only a few short lines being played over each other repeatedly. Furthermore, the "oldest wife" is in clear view of the camera, and at the times when what is obviously her line is repeated ("As the oldest of the wives I demand..."), her mouth is either saying something different or isn't moving at all.
The first time the cop tells the teens to move on, the slate (or clapper) is briefly visible on the right-hand side of the screen.
Near the end, when the wives fan out to look for Mike and Margaret, a crew member is visible, standing behind a bush (uncut version only, not visible in the MST3K edit).
When the cop pulls over the family for the busted tail light, he begins writing the ticket without asking to see a license.