Bibi Osterwald credited as playing...
Erica Booth
- Erica Booth: [to Avis about Henry Orient's concerto] If this is music, what's that stuff Cole Porter writes?
- Erica Booth: I know, I went through the same thing with John Barrymore.
- Marian Gilbert: Who?
- Erica Booth: What did you say?
- Marian Gilbert: This guy you went through it with.
- Erica Booth: You mean you've never heard of John Barrymore?
- Marian Gilbert: Nope.
- Erica Booth: You've never even heard his name?
- Marian Gilbert: Nope.
- Erica Booth: Excuse me, it's later than I think.
- Marian Gilbert: Valerie Boyd, you shaved your legs!
- Val Boyd: You are the biggest blabbermouth.
- Marian Gilbert: You didn't tell me.
- Val Boyd: I don't have to tell you everything.
- Avis Gilbert: What is it?
- Marian Gilbert: She shaved her legs!
- Erica Booth: Louder. Some of the people on the balcony can't hear you.
- Marian Gilbert: You're gonna have bristles.
- Val Boyd: Not if I keep shaving.
- Avis Gilbert: Please, girls.
- Marian Gilbert: But why'd you do it? You're not so hairy.
- Val Boyd: I'm old enough if I want to.
- Marian Gilbert: I mean, it's not as if you were as hairy as Kafritz.
- Val Boyd: Talbot's hairier than Kafritz, arms and legs.
- Marian Gilbert: But, it doesn't show so much on her. She's a blonde. A brunette always looks hairier than a blonde. Kafritz is the hairiest.
- Erica Booth: You know the only reason I quit? One day I was telling this - this wizard, one of the most delightful dreams. Straight out of Henry Miller. I heard him - snoring.
- Erica Booth: Say, hey, what's this avant-garde stuff it says here?
- Val Boyd: Sure, way out! It said it in 'The Times'.
- Erica Booth: No tune?
- Val Boyd: Are you kidding?
- Erica Booth: I hope I don't throw up.
- Frank Boyd: Will either of you ladies be traditional with me and have an eggnog? Or is it going to be martinis for you?
- Erica Booth: No, I'll be trad, Dad. Where's the bowl?
- Frank Boyd: I'll get one for each of you.