Sidney Poitier and Lilia Skala make a fine odd couple in this whimsical drama of a wandering handyman who is persuaded to help a tiny community of German nuns build a convent in the American desert. [25 Dec 1992, p.AE05]
Lilies of the Field is a funny, sentimental, charming and uplifting film, in which intelligence, imagination and energy are proved again to be beyond the price of any super-budget.
Orlando Sentinel
Orlando Sentinel
Poitier's performance and Nelson's low-key direction carried this delightful vehicle, adapted to the screen by James Poe from William E. Barrett's eloquent novel. [14 Jan 2001, p.17]
An uplifting film that cemented the reputation of its star.
Time OutTrevor Johnston
Time OutTrevor Johnston
It might be significant as an early independent movie made good, but Poitier got better when he got angrier for In the Heat of the Night four years later.