From the balcony of the hotel it is nighttime, but shots of the ship in the anchorage are in daylight.
Only one of the three roulette numbers announced as the result of the last spin correspond to the numbers on which the roulette ball and the two mothballs are shown as landing on.
In the first gambling scene where Jason begins using his system, one of the numbers called out by the croupier is "eleven in the red". Eleven on the roulette wheel is black. In a subsequent scene, Fergie is playing (at the same wheel), and the croupier calls out "eleven in the black".
At the very beginning of the movie when the computer, Max, is calculating where the rocket capsule will land from the ship it predicts 6 miles. When the capsule splashes down the reported distance is 12,100 yards to which the captain says something to the effect, "Max was correct. 12,100 yards is 6 miles, 100 yards." 12,100 yards is actually 6 miles and 1540 yards as the conversion is 1760 yards to the mile not 2000.
When Beau Gilliam comes crashing through the door with the glass ornaments the first time, Fergie and Julie react to the noise slightly before it's heard.
When Fergie and Jason are plugging in the power supply for the blinker in the Venice hotel, Jason says "110 volts in, 24 volts out". All European countries use 240 volts, not 110 volts as in the USA.
In the hotel room Fergie removes his dress white jacket to reveal a bare chest. A white undershirt or t-shirt is worn underneath the dress white jacket.
The casino manager erred in calling off all bets after Beau accidentally dropped two mothballs on the roulette wheel. The moth balls were clearly smaller than the real ball, which fell on a losing number for Fergie. In other words, the manager needlessly negated a win for his own casino.