- Davy Crockett: Republic. I like the sound of the word. It means people can live free, talk free, go or come, buy or sell, be drunk or sober, however they choose. Some words give you a feeling. Republic is one of those words that makes me tight in the throat - the same tightness a man gets when his baby takes his first step or his first baby shaves and makes his first sound as a man. Some words can give you a feeling that makes your heart warm. Republic is one of those words.
- Smitty: So many times every day you stop and give thanks, but mostly I don't catch on what you're thanking the Lord for. I mean, there's nothing special.
- Parson: I give thanks for the time and for the place.
- Smitty: The time and the place, Parson?
- Parson: The time to live and the place to die. That's all any man gets. No more, no less.
- Jim Bowie: I'd hate to say anything good about that long-winded jackanapes, but he does know the short way to start a war.
- Gen. Sam Houston: Where's Jim Bowie?
- Captain James Butler Bonham: He's indisposed, sir.
- Gen. Sam Houston: Indisposed? By God if you mean drunk, you say drunk, sir!
- Captain James Butler Bonham: He's drunk, sir!
- Davy Crockett: Let's wet our whistles.
- Colonel William Barret Travis: I don't drink.
- Davy Crockett: Never?
- Colonel William Barret Travis: Never.
- Davy Crockett: I've heard of such. Well, spread your wampum Travis.
- Colonel William Barret Travis: My title is Colonel.
- Davy Crockett: Well, I'm a Colonel, too. Wouldn't it sound kinda silly, us chattering, "Colonel, Colonel" like a couple of marsh shield birds? Just speak right up and call me Crockett, don't bother to use my title. Old drunken General Flatford gave it to me in the Choctaw Indian War. I'll call you Travis.
- Colonel William Barret Travis: Very well, Crockett.
- Tennesseean: We sure killed many brave men today.
- Thimblerig: Funny, I was proud of 'em. Even while I was killing 'em, I was proud of 'em. It speaks well for men that so many ain't afraid to die when they think right is on their side. It speaks well.
- Col. Davy Crockett: Travis says Fannin's coming.
- Jim Bowie: Travis says! I wouldn't take Travis' word that night's dark and day's light!
- Jethro: [greeting Davy Crockett] Morning, Colonel, He's still sleeping.
- Davy Crockett: [grins] I'll take care of that, Jethro.
- [kicks open door, throws bucket of water on Jim Bowie]
- Jim Bowie: [from inside] AAUGH! CROCKETT!
- Davy Crockett: It was like I was empty. Well, I'm not empty anymore. That's what's important, to feel useful in this old world, to hit a lick against what's wrong for what's right even though you get walloped for saying that word. Now I may sound like a Bible beater yelling up a revival at a river crossing camp meeting, but that don't change the truth none. There's right and there's wrong. You got to do one or the other. You do the one and you're living. You do the other and you may be walking around, but you're dead as a beaver hat.
- Travis' man: Hey, Davy! Is it true that you fit a four day fight with Mike Fink?
- Davy Crockett: Why that's a blasted lie! One of them stories loose-mouthed people tell around. Mike and me quit at sundown. Wouldn't have been the fourth day until, uh, next morning. See ya' men!
- Tennessean: Do chastise mean what I think It do?
- Tennesseean: It do.
- Beekeeper: Davy, let's do saddle up and go learn that gentleman his manners.
- Davy Crockett: We won't have to. He's wearing out horses coming towards us.
- Beekeeper: Guess we can't stop him from coming. But I reckon we can arrange for him to limp going back
- Gen. Sam Houston: Travis, I've never been able to like you. But you are one of the very few men I would trust with the life of Texas.
- Graciela Carmela Maria 'Flaca' de Lopez y Vejar: Crockett? You are the famous Davy Crockett?
- Col. Davy Crockett: Well, I'm Crockett. They named me Davy after an uncle that didn't leave Pa the farm after all.
- Gen. Sam Houston: Mr. Travis, are you going to complain to me about Jim Bowie?
- Colonel William Barret Travis: Not complain, sir.
- Gen. Sam Houston: Of course Jim Bowie's drunk. He took this town from General Cos. He fought a battle and now he's drunk. Seems kinda natural to me. Or are you questioning something other than Bowie's drinking? Are you going to tell me that he's got a lot of acreage down here? That he married into Mexican aristocracy?
- Colonel William Barret Travis: Yes sir.
- Gen. Sam Houston: Travis, I would trust Jim Bowie with my life. More than that I would trust him with the lives of my family, and more than that I would trust him with the life of Texas.
- Colonel William Barret Travis: Sir!
- Gen. Sam Houston: That's all, Travis.
- [Travis turns to leave]
- Gen. Sam Houston: Travis.I've never been able to like you. But you are also one of the very few men I would trust with the life of Texas.
- Colonel William Barret Travis: For that, sir, thank you.
- Gen. Sam Houston: And it may very well be... that that life rest in your hands.
- Beekeeper: [after a Mexican cannon shot destroys the whiskey barrel] Oh, no. Oh, no, they wouldn't... that ain't fair! That ain't no fair way to start a war!
- Jocko Robertson: Crockett! Davy Crockett! We're from Tennessee.
- Blind Nell Robertson: We seen you when you came through Stink Wells, talking about that job in Congress.
- Jocko Robertson: You shook my hand.
- Davy Crockett: Well, I'll do it again.
- [shakes Jocko's hand]
- Blind Nell Robertson: He didn't vote for you though. Other fella gave him four bits.
- Jocko Robertson: Sorry.
- Davy Crockett: That's alright. I'm glad there were enough of you sensible folks to vote me out of that office. Well, we can have us a good ol' home talk-fest later, but right now I got to get my troops bedded down. Excuse me.
- Blind Nell Robertson: [after Crockett leaves] You should have voted for him, Jocko.
- [the Alamo garrison is informed that no reinforcements are coming]
- Jim Bowie: Well, that's it. I'm taking my men out of here now. Cutting through to the north. You coming?
- Davy Crockett: Seems like the better part of valor.
- Tennessean: [about the Mexican army] That's the best dressed army I ever saw.
- Bull: Fancy clothes don't make a fightin' man.
- Tennesseean: They're just off two years puttin' down rebellions. They're fightin' men.
- Colonel William Barret Travis: Men, Jim Bonham has brought news as sad as death. Colonel Fannin has been ambushed. We can expect no help. I stay here with my command, but any of you who wish to may leave with all honor. Failing reinforcements, the Alamo cannot hold. But do not go with heads hung low. No man can criticize your behavior. Here on these ramparts, you have bought a priceless ten days of time for Houston. You have bled the enemy army. You are brave and noble soldiers.
- [to a soldier]
- Colonel William Barret Travis: Open the gate!
- [the gate opens]
- Colonel William Barret Travis: May God bless you.