Henry Decoin is to be commended for almost transcending the limitations he's working under:an implausible Resistance story like countless other ones during those immediate post-war years.It reveals ,not unnaturally,producing what Decoin produces best:film noir.No matter it's not a thriller;the treatment is pure film noir.
The black and white cinematography,where the characters move in twilight,the skillful lights,the minimal performance of Françoise Arnoul,all dressed in black leather,from whom a shady sensuality emanates ("Katze Augen"(cat's eye) the German officer says)make up for the rather poor script.The content takes a back seat to form that can be brilliant:the maquis,attacked by the German soldiers,in the darkest forest;Cora (la chatte) trying to poison her lover ,a scene which would not be irrelevant in a suspense movie;the final scene which might have influenced Jean-Pierre Melville for his earnest "l'armée des ombres" (1969) (think of Simone Signoret's death ).Cora's questioning which turns into an erotic extravaganza as the actress slowly removes her stockings,under the officer's lecherous eye.
"La chatte" was a great commercial success,and despite the ending ,there was a sequel "la chatte sort ses griffes" two years later.