Yvette Vickers credited as playing...
Honey Parker
- Harry Archer: They need my permission to operate. They're looking for me now to sign the papers.
- Honey Parker: That's great. that's wonderful. Just hide out here for a few days and let her blow up like a balloon.
- Honey Parker: The serum that private nurse is using in her hypodermic needle, I heard the doctor tell her that an overdose would be fatal.
- Harry Archer: Money certainly brings out the best in you, doesn't it?
- Honey Parker: Have you got the nerve?
- Harry Archer: Read the morning papers.
- Harry Archer: I'm so fed up. I never should have agreed to go back to her once we were separated.
- Honey Parker: Why did you?
- Harry Archer: You know why. I couldn't pry a nickel out of her! That community property routine only works for women! A man hasn't got a chance.
- Honey Parker: Unless their wife dies.
- [he looks around in shock]
- Honey Parker: I didn't say anything.
- Harry Archer: You were thinking it!
- Honey Parker: Not the same thing.
- Honey Parker: Didn't you say she was in the nuthouse for awhile?
- Harry Archer: A private sanitarium.
- Honey Parker: What's the difference. She was off her rocker, wasn't she?
- Harry Archer: I suppose so. They've got some fancy name for it.
- Honey Parker: Come on, now Harry. Let's not be naive. You've made a good start, now follow through. She's on the brink and you know it!
- Harry Archer: I don't know it. Dr. Cushing seems to be helping her a lot. She's tapering off on the bottle too. Hardly took a drink all evening. You saw her.
- Honey Parker: All she needs is a little help. Play the husband, right to the end. Once she's in the booby hatch, throw the key away. That'll put you in the driver seat. You'd make a wild driver, Harry - with 50 million bucks!
- Honey Parker: You know what our problem is? We both have the same disease: money, and happy ways of spending it.
- Harry Archer: Hey, hey, hey, Tony, something's happen to your lights.
- Tony the Bartender: I got eyes, I can see.
- Honey Parker: Who needs lights?