Robert J. Wilke credited as playing...
Ben Thompson
- Ben Thompson: [examining Earp's revolver] That's a nice gun. Yeah, it wouldn't do for us Texans, though.
- [comparing barrel lengths]
- Ben Thompson: We like ours regulation size.
- Clint Wallace: Yeah, don't ever get into an argument with a Texas man when you're carrying that thing. Must take you a half hour to clear leather with it.
- Wyatt Earp: The only arguments I've had lately have been with buffalo and they don't draw very fast, you know.
- Clint Wallace: [a solitary figure on horseback appears in the distance] What do you make of him, Ben?
- Ben Thompson: Well, he's no Indian.
- Clint Wallace: Could be a scout for some rustlers. This country's full of 'em.
- Ben Thompson: He's headin' this way and he's not hidin'. He's probably some pilgrim looking for a free meal.
- Clint Wallace: He's welcome to that. We're not takin' any chances.
- Ben Thompson: Al, go out and check up on that rider.
- Al: How much checkin' up you want?
- Ben Thompson: Make sure he's alone, that's all. If he has got a bunch behind him, we'll know in plenty of time to be ready for him.
- Ben Thompson: Has your huntin' ever taken ya anywheres near this town, Wichita, where we're headin'?
- Wyatt Earp: No, it hasn't. But I hear it's a pretty fair-size town. It's growin' mighty fast since it became a railhead. Yours must be the first trail herd in there. You oughta get quite a welcome.
- Gyp Clements: Well, we can use it. We ain't seen a drink or a woman for a long, long time.
- Clint Wallace: Maybe some of us might even take a bath!
- Ben Thompson: Your kid brother's got ants, that's all. He can't wait to tear into Wichita.
- Clint Wallace: I know how he feels. I'm a little restless myself.
- Ben Thompson: Yeah. Me, too. Tell him to relax for a couple of days. Then we'll show him how to really take a town apart.