January 2006, and we're talking about a film made in 1955! I too saw this movie possibly 50 years ago and have never forgotten it. I tried to get some more information on it in Sydney with our so called movie experts but got nowhere. The internet was not much help either, then last week, lo and behold, I found a DVD in "Parklea Market" Sydney Australia (sort of organised flea market) And it was selling for 5 Australian dollars (perhaps 2.5 Euros). Only one problem the tittle was "The miracle of Marcelino" ... It had to be the same though so I bought it. I could not wait to run it on my DVD player... and there it was "Marcelino Pan y Vino"! Yes try to search for Marcelino pan y vino, chances is you'll get nothing. Of course the reason I'm here is because of my newly acquired knowledge of its English title. I then was a little boy in France and I think the film was in Spanish with french subtitle. I personally think the dubbed version does some damage to the integrity of this beautiful story. I have to be honest here too. I found the movie rather rusty in the light of the ever growing technology in this field and I don't agree that the music is beautiful; it's markedly aged and I don't think I'd like a sound system with this quality.
But what a reunion, I had almost given up any hope to see it again. I think My parents took me to watch it in Paris. They were non religious as I am now. They only love it for it's beauty and artistic value. I'm pretty sure if you're reading this you've read other entry and you already know the story, so I won't go into it. I just hope you'll give it a chance in your lounge room, I think the reward will be great
mm Feb. 2006. I had to come back to this movie and read more commentaries since I was here. I felt saddened by some, expressing some kind of paranoia or just pure negativism. One entry asked us to take off our "rosy" glasses to watch this movie... For one I wish I could find my 'rosy' glasses again as the world I see today needs badly to be seen through such device or we'll soon run out of Prozac. Then people wear all kind of glasses with all kind of colours and so see things accordingly that is not to say that other should join in. I wander what colour of glasses Mother Theresa, "l'abbe Pierre" or the like of them wore to achieve what they did. I see Marcelino Bread and Wine" as a simple,touching and beautiful story despite not having entering a church for decades. MM PS Having mentioned my difficulty to search this tittle I tried again because I forgot to bookmark it. This time I made sure to enter in the search field "The miracle of Marcelino" and for result got : Marcelino Pan y Vino (Aka the miracle of Marcelino)...How this for contradiction!