Danny Davenport credited as playing...
Chester Dooley
- William Spencer: I think it's great, really great.
- Chester Dooley: You'll publish it then?
- William Spencer: Sure. I'll have the contracts drawn, same deal as before.
- Chester Dooley: [Shakes his head] Uh-uh.
- Freddy Lee: Oh, oh.
- William Spencer: What do you mean, Chester?
- Chester Dooley: Well, no offense, Mr. Spencer, but I want a $100 advance, two cents a copy from the first, and my picture on the sheet music.
- William Spencer: Why, that's a holdup. You gotta lot of nerve.
- Chester Dooley: I had two martinis for lunch.
- William Spencer: How can you come in here and pull a trick like this? You owe everything to me. I picked you out of the gutter and made your name a byword. I plucked you out of obscurity and placed your music in every home in our nation. And this is the thanks I get. Aren't you ashamed?
- Chester Dooley: Yes, sir. I'm ashamed.
- William Spencer: Well, that's better...
- Chester Dooley: And I want a $100 advance, two cents a copy from the first, and my picture on the sheet music.
- [Looks at himself in the mirror]
- Chester Dooley: On second thought, you can leave my picture off.
- Miss Murphy: You gotta give it a fighting chance.