George Cleveland crédité pour le rôle de...
Sheriff Sam Borden
- Sam Borden: Tap, it ain't every man that gets the chance to see his own funeral. I don't know that I rightly like it, though. It seems kind of ghostly like. There's my cousin, Pete, all red-eyed... mostly from corn, not from grief. And there's banker Havens sad as can be, but probably wondering will my house bring money enough at auction to cover the mortgage.
- Sam Borden: You ladies goin' out for a ride this evening?
- Julie McCabe: We're going shopping - and I have no intention of leaving town, you'll be sorry to hear.
- Sam Borden: Kinda late to be goin' shoppin' isn't it? Bound to be about time to be closin' up.
- Lin Connor: We work late and sleep late, so we have to shop late. Can we go now, Sheriff?
- Sam Borden: Didn't mean to hold you up. There are enough people being held-up around here.