My Favorite Brunette (1947)
Dorothy Lamour: Carlotta Montay
Carlotta Montay : I'm at my wit's end!
Ronnie Jackson : Yeah, I passed there an hour ago.
Carlotta Montay : First, I must know this: Are you a man who is afraid of danger?
Ronnie Jackson : No, you can get as close as you like. Baby, we're in this together. I'm with you till my dying breath.
Carlotta Montay : Please, you mustn't.
Ronnie Jackson : Yeah. Better not leave any fingerprints.
Ronnie Jackson : Aw, now, wait a minute. Don't go feminine on me.
Carlotta Montay : All right.
Ronnie Jackson : Don't go masculine either.
Carlotta Montay : What is it?
Ronnie Jackson : That's a recording machine. It repeats what you say. You know, for a guy too fat to hold a secretary in his lap.
Carlotta Montay : Do you know how to work it?
Ronnie Jackson : Sure. You just speak into this mike and make a record.
Carlotta Montay : That's it!
Ronnie Jackson : That's what?
Carlotta Montay : You work the machine, I'll get them to talk.
Ronnie Jackson : This is one of the best ideas I ever had. Marvelous what you can do when you think.
Carlotta Montay : You said you'd stick with me till your dying breath.
Ronnie Jackson : Yeah, and I'm getting too close to it.
Carlotta Montay : He said he was safe.
Ronnie Jackson : Oh, he's safe all right... I mean, he's safe all right.
Carlotta Montay : But he's NOT safe! I KNOW he isn't!
Ronnie Jackson : No, no... H-he's in a terrible spot.
Carlotta Montay : But I feel he's in great danger.
Ronnie Jackson : Yes, yes, he's in great danger... yeah, but he's safe, all right. He's safe. I sound like an umpire.
Ronnie Jackson : What kind of a sucker do you take me for? Just because you're a girl and... I'm a boy and you're... throwin' those big blue eyes at me and... you're lettin' me put my arms around you... and you lemme hold you close... even closer... you think you can get me to do anything you want.
[they kiss]
Ronnie Jackson : [huskily] What do you want, baby?
Carlotta Montay : Darling, the first thing we've got to do...
Ronnie Jackson : [interrupting] We're doin' it.
Carlotta Montay : I know men. Somehow they always seem to be more interested in the problems of young wives with... older husbands.
Carlotta Montay : Please say you'll help me. Please. Please, baby.
Ronnie Jackson : Huh?
Carlotta Montay : Do it for Mama.
Ronnie Jackson : Mama knows best.
Carlotta Montay : Suppose they haven't got a room near my uncle's suite?
Ronnie Jackson : You just toss that smile at 'em, honey, and he'll give us the joint.
Carlotta Montay : I'm very grateful for all you've done for me. Even if you were Sam McCloud, you couldn't have accomplished more.
Ronnie Jackson : Look, don't red apple me. From now on I'm gonna stick to "Watch the birdie" and leave the chicks alone.