Hail the Conquering Hero (1944)
Freddie Steele: Bugsy
Mrs. Truesmith : [showing the Marines the shrine to Woodrow's father] Now I have two heroes.
[looks at the six Marines]
Mrs. Truesmith : I have eight heroes.
Bugsy : You can sure put me on your flag. I sure ain't got anybody else.
Mrs. Truesmith : I'd be very proud to.
Bugsy : [Woodrow has a nightmare about battle and falls out of bed. Bugsy comes into Woodrow's bedroom] What's the matter?
Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith : Oh, I don't know. I guess I had a nightmare.
Bugsy : You're lucky.
Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith : Huh?
Bugsy : You're lucky you don't have them all the time... like some guys.
Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith : I knew the Marines could do almost anything, but I never knew they could do anything like this.
Bugsy : You got no idea!
Woodrow Truesmith : Would you quit telling lies and getting me in deeper and deeper so there'll never be a way out?
Sgt. Heffelfinger : Let 'em enjoy it. They're eating it up.
Bugsy : Can I tell 'em about me and Smitty at Tulagi?
Sgt. Heffelfinger : Sure, only you gotta be Smitty, and he's gotta be you, and you both gotta come out alive!
Sgt. Heppelfinger : This is Bugsy Walewski.
Bugsy : Can I borrow 50 cents?
Sgt. Heppelfinger , Cpl. Candida : [indignant] Listen here, the guy's bought you a...
Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith : Go ahead.
Bugsy : You ought to be ashamed of yourself! He ought to be ashamed of himself. Treating his mother that way.
[walks away steaming]
Sgt. Heppelfinger : He never had any mother. He's from a home.
Cpl. Candida : He's a little screwy too.
Sgt. Heppelfinger : He's alright, he just got a little shot up, nothing serious.