Hail the Conquering Hero (1944)
Ella Raines: Libby
Libby : [mad at Mayor Noble for criticizing Woodrow] That ass of a father of yours! Going around talking about people he doesn't know anything about.
Forrest Noble : You're still talking about your children's grandfather.
Libby : What are you trying to do? Depress me? If I thought they'd look anything like him...
Forrest Noble : Well, I don't look anything like him.
Libby : I've noticed that. I've pinned my hopes on it.
Forrest Noble : If he waited a year longer, there might have been three of us to welcome him. If he waited two years, there might have been...
Libby : Oh, shut up.
Forrest Noble : Well, that's what marriage is for isn't it?
Libby : Oh, I suppose so, if you look at it from a purely unromantic standpoint - like a breeding farm.
[Woodrow - in his scheme - has just announced that the Marines have called him back]
Judge Dennis : Why don't they leave you here where we need you?
Libby : That's right.
Doc Bissell : That's one of the weaknesses of the military viewpoint: doesn't always recognize the importance of civilians in wartime.
Doc Bissell : [explaining to Woodrow that the town still wants him to run for mayor] Politics is a very peculiar thing, Woodrow. If they want you, they want you. They don't need reasons anymore... they find their own reasons. It's just like when a girl wants a man.
Libby : That's right. You don't need reasons. Although they're probably there.
Mrs. Truesmith : Why can't you wear your uniform for a little while?
Libby's Aunt : You look so nice in it.
Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith : I just got through explaining it's against regulations.
Mrs. Truesmith : Well, I think that's perfectly ridiculous.
Libby : So do I.
Mrs. Truesmith : Your grandfather wore his Civil War uniform the rest of his life.
Libby's Aunt : Kept having new ones made.
Mrs. Truesmith : Said it helped remind people that brother fought brother.
Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith : [looking at Sgt. Heppelfinger] Well his case was different!
Libby : Do you remember when we used to come here in the cool of the evening?
Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith : Naturally.
Libby : I thought maybe you'd forgotten - so much can happen in a year.
Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith : So much can happen in a day!
Libby : I suppose so. Were you surprised when they nominated you for mayor?
Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith : Surprised is not the word for it.